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Everything posted by lisabees

  1. Oh stink. I've been searching for this post for a half hour and found the list deleted. What a shame!
  2. Yes, the book includes all the experiments. And, yes, the best part of Supercharged Science is Aurora. Check out her site and take advantage of all the free experiments and teleclasses. Then, you'll know what we mean! I use the Electricity Kit and the eScience course. It is awesome and my son's favorite part of the day. I save Science for the last lesson of the day - makes him work harder! LOL! I will definitely be splurging for more Supercharged Science kits. Just need to save up a bit more. HTH!
  3. Spelling Plus by Susan C Anthony does this. And there is a dictation book to go along with each word list.
  4. Thank you all. We've just been using the dvd's as review and will officially start the Middle Ages on Monday. DS is in 7th grade and we'll be supplementing with Glencoe's Journey Across Time and, of course, literature. Still not sure whether to do the text or dvd first. We'll definitely be doing the literature following the lectures. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
  5. I like this one... http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/math.htm
  6. My 13 year old is LOVING Supercharged science. It is not budget friendly though. The kits are expensive. There is also a new, online science program for your son. That is $27 a month. What makes this program awesome is Aurora, the instructor. She is cool and motivational. Your son will love it! www.superchargedscience.com www.sciencelearningspace.com Aurora also has free teleclasses and, I think, free downloadable experiments. Get on her mailing list and you will receive them.
  7. DS is 13 and being hs for the first time. He is a struggling reader and needs to brush up on math basics... Math: Math Mammoth (for a few months; then we'll transition into LOF, probably supplementing with Lial's or Singapore or MEP). Writing: IEW Spelling: Spelling Through Morphographs and Spelling Wisdom Reading: REWARDS, Reading Assistant, various literature and study guides Science: Supercharged Science, CPO History: Teaching Company, Glencoe's Journey Across Time, SOTW Logic: Building Thinking Skills, Logic Liftoff Art and Music - pottery classes and drum lessons Phys Ed: travel baseball year round, basketball
  8. Thank you all! I will definitely check all of your ideas out. We just returned from a field trip - our first! We saw Hawks migrating while at Hawk Mountain, PA. Fun! :001_smile: Thanks again for all of your great suggestions! Hi to the other Mom of Noah, 13!!!! ;) Lisa
  9. Yay! My struggling reader has read almost two books in his first week of school. His favorite was his "free reading" book, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Classic literature, huh? Anyway, while searching for his next book, he said he likes "funny" books. Any ideas out there for books with a quirky sense of humor? DS hasn't ever really finished a book. So this is HUGE for us. In fact, ds said that in two weeks of hs he read more books than he did in all of last few years!!!! I think he is very proud - as he should be. I would love ideas for 5th grade reading level. Maybe sixth grade. He has jumped a few grade levels since I started working with him. Lisa
  10. Good for you! I haven't gone yet due to anxiety issues. I totally understand being proud of yourself! :hurray:
  11. Thanks for asking about ice packs. I am curious as well! ;)
  12. It seems like every day I switch between two thoughts. Maybe this wasn't the right decision. This was the best decision ever! I think it would change if my ds13 liked being hs. Hopefully, in time. I'm loving it! Lisa
  13. I am using the high school history DVDs as a supplement to a textbook and literature. How would you schedule the dvd? Before or after studying the textbooks/literature? Thanks! Lisa
  14. Thanks for sharing your stories. Diann, is that a beta blocker?
  15. Just got a call about my holter monitor tests. I definitely had skipped heart beats and extra heart beats (and an average of over 100 beats per second), but everything else looked normal. The doc said there is no need for meds, unless the sensations bother me. The sensations do bother me, as they tend to put me into panic attacks when I feel them. So, should I be worried about taking them? Side effects? Oh - I am on a VERY low dose of Paxil. I imagine I can only take one (I wanted to get off of this anyway; I always wondered if that's what is causing the heart stuff). Thanks. Lisa
  16. Oh - this is the best thread EVER! Well, I have found nothing that helps...yet. The following has been my last few weeks. I am constantly lightheaded, tired and have a headache. I also have dry, peeling patches around my hoo-hoo, my eyes and on my scalp. Oh - and all of this is bringing on panic attacks. I have been a wreck. I've seen the doctor, gotten a blood test, a holter monitor and had an appt with the local health food store's nutritionist. Food allergy? Brain tumor? Hypoglycemia? I don't know. But, I'm freaking out. I am so glad I am not alone. I did get a bunch of supplements to help. We'll see what happens. For now, I'm on a completely non-dairy and gluten, wheat free diet. It stinks! I am on Paxil - an extremely low, low dose. Sometimes I wonder if that is causing my problems or I need more!!! :lol: FWIW, I get lumps under my arm and it's nothing. A couple of my good friends do, too. It comes and goes according to hormones I think. Please PM me anytime you need to talk and worry. I am happy to listen. I know the fear is usually unfounded,but real. :grouphug: Lisa
  17. Maybe this can help? http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=8 Math Mammoth has place value worktexts (download) for $2.00. I've had a lot of luck with Math Mammoth. http://www.mathmammoth.com/place_value_2.php HTH! Lisa
  18. I use and absolutely love Supercharged Science. It says between K-8 for their kits; I use them for my 7th grader. There is probably a lot of teacher involvement for the little ones. The creator, Aurora, just came out with an escience program also, but it is too old for little ones, I think. But, then again, maybe I am underestimating them! We are thrilled with it. HTH! Lisa
  19. I would use Don Potter's Blend Phonics or Word Mastery coordinated with Reading Horizon's Free Trial of their Online Workshop. http://www.readinghorizons.com/community/workshop/promotional.aspx I would also use phonogram cards everyday and play Elizabeth B's phonics concentration game. Elizabeth loves Webster's Speller, but I just started that and haven't formed an opinion yet. http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Phonics/concentrationgam.html I would also use nonsense words from Abecedarian's website: http://www.abcdrp.com/supplements.asp HTH! Lisa
  20. LOL! There is Ottakee chiming in with her favorite program!! :lol: As you can see, OP, many of us have seen improvements in our dc because of one program. It is wonderful that there are so many options. If I were you, I would start cheap and at home. All he may need is some guidance. If he truly needs intervention, then you know you've done all you can. Read, read and read some more. Play word games, check out Elizabeth B's suggestions (She has NEVER steered me wrong and is a big reason why my ds jumped ahead by 2 reading grade levels this summer). Ottakee has a link, I think, to the first 28 I See Sam books. Spalding has great phonogram cards. Just find what works best. Yes, you may waste some money along the way, but I promise that the feeling you're experiencing won't be for long. You'll be too busy working hard to get the best out of your child. Best wishes! Oh! And I thought I saw Earobics under the "For Sale" page. Just found the link. Only $40. It's a great program that he may find fun! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125711&highlight=earobics Am I allowed to do that? :001_huh: Oh well. Good luck! Lisa
  21. I haven't check it out, but Reading Horizons has an ESL Say section that apparently does the same thing. Not sure if you have to sign up for the free trial or not to see it! HTH!
  22. Reading Horizon's has a Free Trial of their online workshop - ds is going through this as an overview. The actual program sounds great! And homeschooling groups can get 25% off this month. They told me I could get it, even though I'm not part of a hs group. And, no. I do not work for them. In fact, I just discovered them last week. I think it would be a backwards step for my ds; that's why I'm using the free trial. Here is the link: http://www.readinghorizons.com/community/workshop/promotional.aspx HTH!
  23. I am in awe of all of you who do this with more than one and for years!! I just finished my first week ever and I am tired. But I love it (now if only I can convince ds13 to love it)!! Dinner may have to be pizza... Lisa
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