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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. My dd's first practice ACT she scored about 18 on the science and maybe 28 on the reading. In her first real ACT, she scored 33 on the reading and 23 on the science. SHe had been scoring higher on the practice science tests but she took the test at the wrong time of the month for her. She will be retaking in April and should do better.
  2. I assume she has no allergies or any other medical issues? For flying, you need perfect health. My dh was told when he was entering the AF as an officer candidate that unfortunately he wouldn't be able to fly since he has a very minor color blindness (he has some slight issues with blue green blindness but only to the extent that he can't accurately distinguish something like teal from turquoise if they have the same darkness level). He thought that was funny since he is a physicist and had absolutely no desire whatsoever to be a pilot which he considers to be an aerial bus driver and just about as interesting. (No, I know F16 pilots aren't that but he was looking into the future when retired pilots normally fly airline planes).
  3. I had my son listen to lectures or read some introductory material, read the book, write a short summary, discuss the book, and with some write papers. He was my reluctant writer so I didn't push the writing as much earlier but had him write more later in high school. My second did structured courses for the first two years of high school and wrote for those as per the course. THis year, she is doing British LIt and not writing at all. She discusses. SHe has a separate writing class where she is writing a lot plus she is writing for history and tons for debate. Next year, she will most likely have a World Lit class and I have several online syllabi and several books which will give me writing topics. My third will be having a structured writing class with a tutor most likely next year. After that, I will see. WIth her, I will most likely do minimal literature writing and concentrate on report writing and technical writing. SHe needs to write well but not about literature. That is sort of the same idea I have with number two who actually does write well. I don't need to concentrate on literature writing but rather what she is doing is perfect for her planned future career.
  4. I have a major function on March 20. I need recoloring of my hair and would really like to have another perm too. Help guide me through this and is it doable by March 20?
  5. Opportunities aboud for our kids that weren't there when my dh and I were young. What opportunities-media, computer, lectures, etc. Some is the same- when I was a teenager, I took adult ed classes at the American Film Institute. I was by far the youngest person there. I had a love of movies and went to them frequently including old ones. (Oh and watching movies is not pure entertainment since I learned a lot from them). But that was nothing compared to the things my kids do- discuss their interests on the internet with like-intersted people- a lot more than I ever met, watch college lectures on tv (teaching company, others), also attend some adult classes and activities (my oldest two ended up in adult Sunday Schools since the youth ones were taught at a level way to elementary for them and my middle has been in adult choirs for the last three years. My youngest watches science and engineering shows as much as her schedule and her wants allow. These things weren't available. Another thing I also think about is the keeping people to age 18 or longer is a very recent phenomena. Read about at what age our founding fathers went to college. Then you will see a big difference.
  6. I never noticed unless someone mentioned them. But since they seemed to be a distraction for so many and were used in a bad way, I am glad they are gone too.
  7. I am so sorry that this happened to you. We have never had this experience even though we do birthday parties. My older two stopped by age nine or ten but my youngest daughter does like birthday parties. She is my only extrovert. SHe has a mid December birthday too. For the party in 2008, we had it at a roller skating rink and all her invited friends came. It was both a birthday party and a goodbye party because we were moving on her actual birthday to another state. This year, we had a party at the ice skating rink. She invited her Odyssey of Mind team and one neighbor girl (sister of one of the OTM girls) and two girls from her co-op classes. They all came too and since she was collecting supplies for the Animal Shelter, it had a bonanza too. I don't do anything special to get them to come. We do the invites to the parent;s though since kids promise anything but parents have to drive. Oh and I don't think we are buying friends either. She still is friends with many of those girls we left in Florida and they email each other and play online games together. SHe eats lunch usually and chats often with her friends here too. But like someone else remarked, these are her friends and not just acquaintances. If my older daughter tried to throw a party, I think I could expect a lot of no-shows since she doesn;t make friends easily.
  8. It isn't just books that we have problems with. I can't remember which company I was trying to use (definitely not JC Penny or Nordstrom's since they both had excellent shipping policies), but I remember being so frustrated that I couldn't get a regular trench coat. There was at least one company that had exactly what I wanted but wouldn't ship APO. That is how I remember about Nordstrom's. They would. JC Penney sold socks which was something I couldn't get at our local PX.
  9. I was friends with people who were homeschooling in Germany and they had no problems homeschooling.
  10. For my last one: 9th World History Intro to Lit Algebra 2 Physics Spanish 1 PE maybe something else 10th American Lit AMerican History Geometry Chemistry Spanish 2 Computer Programming 11th Government and Economics British Lit Biology SPanish 3 PRe-Calc ? 12 World Lit AP Physics Calculus ? ? ?
  11. My son will be graduating in Dec. He hopes to start grad school in Fall, 2011. He will be trying to get employment starting in Dec. 2010. He is soon going to start looking for a summer job. He can't work in the school year since he takes 18 credits and almost all of them are heavy load classes with lots of papers.
  12. THanks so much for the info. I will look into these sites later today after the Odyssey of the Mind Tournament. Thanks again.
  13. I don't understand what place you are talking about. Why don't you cut and paste here? My dh, a phD physicist, isn't home yet but he probably will be able to help once he gets home.
  14. I completely agree with keptwoman. She has it right.
  15. The state you are in. That is true except for a time that is like a vacation. How do I know? We are military and are here in VA temporarily while our permanent residence is Florida. For years, our permanent residence was CA while we lived in other states.
  16. I don;t know about 7 but definitely by 9. It isn't very easy to remember what my almost 21 yo was doing at age 7 or 9 specifically. My youngest was going to the pool and back alone last summer and a neighbor homeschooled girl also was doing that though she was 10 and lived further from the pool. We live in a neighborhood with barely any crime at all and generally in an extremely safe county. ( Very few crimes considering if we became a city, we would be in the top ten in the country).
  17. "My understanding is that death, suffering, illness, natural catastrophes (earthquakes...) all a result of original sin? Prior to the fall, the earth was in harmony: no death, illness, earthquakes. There was harmony before the fall, after harmony was lost. This is my understanding from a Christian pov, not what I believe." Well I guess it some Christian's view and maybe in some places, most Christian;s view. It isn't mine and I consider myself a fairly conservative Christian. By that I mean, I am for traditional marriage, for Biblical teaching, etc, etc. But we are a fairly scientific family and don't hold with young earth views nor with the idea that no death occurred before man since we do believe that dinosaurs died out before humans. I do remember one homeschooling mom being totally shocked that we weren't young earthers. Apparently she thought all Christian homeschoolers were. It was strange since that group included Catholic homeschoolers who I think are usually Old Earth believers.
  18. I am looking for an online writing program, preferably one we could start very soon. I know I don't want a program with any part of it being free writing. I want a structured format with preferably non-fiction, maybe science or technology type topics. For the start, I don't want literature because this is not my lit loving child. Any ideas? I know I used some program years ago with my oldest who was a reluctant writer but that was 7 years ago or so and many computers ago.
  19. Okay I guess I understand the YE viewpoint though I disagree with it. On looking up the position of my denominitian , I have found that while the official position is no position, some of the areas have come out stating a YE position as a requirement for office. Now I just have to see if one of those is mine- I wouldn't think so since we are in a very diverse area, but just need to check. I don't have a particular problem with someone leading me in worship who is a YE and probably have had them before. Just like I know that many ministers aren't particularly gifted in math, I figure many of them aren't particularly knowledgeble about science and that is fine. I am certainly not particularly knowledgeable about the Bible although I have read it. We al have our different gifts and ideas. I do think I would be uncomfortable being in a church where I had to keep hidden my beliefs about this if it ever came up (sort of like the thread about exclusive home schooling groups).
  20. Well, can I ask another question for YE people or anyone who knows about their beliefs? So if earthquakes are a result of the flood, does it make everything having to do with geology bad? I mean our mountains are as a result of uplifting (earthquakes), and volcanoes. Our diamonds and many other minerals and gems are available to us as humans because of the earth's movements (i.e. earthquakes are part of that). I am just not quite understanding the concept. I find the info everyone is giving me very helpful. I just don't like being in the dark. We became members of this church and neither in the membership classes, anything in our interview with the elders, or anything on the denominational page said anything about the age of the earth or whether you had to be a YE person. I don't know whether we do but they did know my dh's profession and so I would have thought someone would have asked us this if it was a necessary belief. (DH is a phD physicist and almost all physicists are Old Earth believers).
  21. I have arthritis and I also get muscle spasms and nerve pains. Hot shooting pain is indicative of nerve pain. That is the pain you get from repetitive motion injuries or from compression issues or muscle spasms that don't get resolved. They are hard to treat. The best thing is to avoid what is aggravating it. Unfortunately nerve pain only responds weakly to most pain medication. For long term issues, there are special medications. But they have heavy side effects and not what you want to have. I would suggest trying to stop your activitiy for a while and seeing if that helps. If it does and then re-occurs when doing it again, I would seek help from an occupational therapist who could recommend devices and methods to keep doing the activity without aggravating the condition. Good luck. Oh, and arthritic pain is in the joints and doesn't radiate much though with prolonged pain, the whole area can end up hurting like my hands have been lately. However, when the doctor pressed on my joints, the pain was excrutiating versus the normal pain while I do things like type.
  22. My dh left via that exit where the shooter was ten minutes before it happened. I am so thankful that the two security officers weren't injured worse and that the only one dead is the shooter.
  23. It reminds me that we need to take some field trips. Yes, it is harder as my children are older but some field trips is what we need.
  24. I agree with Wendi and recommend you do this very soon. OCD just hets more and more ingrained and harder to deal with as time goes on.
  25. I don't understand what Romans 8 has to do with my question. I am not trying to be snarky, but I just don't get it. Earthquakes help create mountains which are highly praised as works of God's creative nature in the Bible. Earthquakes help us get gems which are also praised as great treasures in the Bible. I don't like the death that happens in earthquakes but I know that God's ways are not our ways and He has a plan.
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