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Update on us...

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I just quit my retail management job, this is my last week of working 3-10pm one day and 8am-4pm the next. I'm taking two weeks off before starting my new job at a bank as a teller full-time. Much better hours, environment and pay.


I've been go, go, go :auto: since December so this two week break is VERY welcome. I'll be taking the kids strawberry picking, to the beach and other places, just enjoying ourselves.


I've swapped lives with a tired, stressed full-time working mother. I know change is not easy and it takes time to achieve balance but there are days I feel like a complete and utter failure since I'm unable to be the same type of mother I was when I could freely spend my days with the kids.


Life has been good for the most part, I've lost weight due to the stress and I've joined a gym which is my only solitary activity for myself. The gym has activities for the kids while I workout so we're all getting out of the house and doing something.


Although I feel like a 15 year old again living at my parents, they are helping me through this time as I pay off my debt and get my feet back under me.


We are doing well, the kids and I. I don't want to comment too much about the divorce but it was the healthiest thing I could have done for the kids and myself. I am counting my blessings everyday. I have no regrets.


I'll be starting college soon, online. Life is bright, shiny and new again for us, while we have stress and struggles- they are manageable. With my new job, life will become more stable and steady.


I haven't taken the time to socialize or make new friends. It's been a weird time in my life where I'm still working on becoming stable so I don't want to involve anyone else in my craziness. My social life is nil right now, I'm an ex-pastor's wife, ex-homeschooler- I don't even have a handle on that reality just yet! We're going to a new church next weekend to try it out, I hope it will be a good fit for us.


I feel so different than the person I was just six months ago but I guess that is more about perspective and type of life I was living. It's hard to believe that I was so absorbed about which curricula to purchase or all the time I spent researching anything I wanted to know about. Just the fact that I had TIME to spend here is weird now. When we wanted to do something I was able to spend time thinking about the hows, whats, and wheres. Now it's 'just do it'.


Embrace your freedom, count your blessings and appreciate where you are right now. You may be tired, worn-out or stressed with many problems but the time you're spending with your children is priceless. They are the moments you will look back on and smile about- even if it's about temper tantrums. I'm so appreciative of my time as a homeschooler, it has made me a better parent, a more aware parent.


Working towards a balance,


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It's so good to hear from you, Jessica! I was thinking about you just the other day, wondering how life is going for you. So glad to hear that all is well. Good luck with your new job! :grouphug:



Embrace your freedom, count your blessings and appreciate where you are right now.

Oh, I do. Indeed I do. :001_smile:


Happy Mother's day, sweetie! :D

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SO GLAD you popped in with an update. I was thinking about you just a couple of days ago and wondered how you are...hoped you would give an update.


I will continue to pray for you and the kids. Will send prayers for supernatural ability to spin all of your many plates and that you'll have just enough of you to go around. Then I'll pray that your "you" time is fulfilling, healing etc.


Your children have a precious gift in you, their mother.


Happy Mother's Day!

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I've swapped lives with a tired, stressed full-time working mother. I know change is not easy and it takes time to achieve balance but there are days I feel like a complete and utter failure since I'm unable to be the same type of mother I was when I could freely spend my days with the kids.



We humans do what we have to do. Doing what you have to do is not failure...far from it. :thumbup:

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