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If you are using WWE are you still doing other narrations?

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Are you remediating older students or working forward with your 6 yo? For a young one starting out, I have no clue. For an older dc, you might find yourself picking up the pace in WWE. I'm using it with my dd (liking it a LOT, I might add), and we're spending so long that I can't justify having her write more right now. So you might just see how long you end up spending on it per day. I have her doing a week's worth at a time, which takes us a good 45 minutes, baby distractions included.


Don't know if that's a helpful answer, lol. I guess yes, you could have them write more, applying their skills, depending on their age and tolerance. For this early level stuff, I've just been carrying it over to oral work as we do read alouds. So not all your practice of the skills has to be written, kwim?

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and WWE 2 with ds 9.


They did narrations for history, but not literature and science. I am still writing them for ds 6 (of course :001_smile:); ds9 does an excellent job with oral narrations, but he's a reluctant writer, so I did most of the writing for him as well. He is just making the transition to writing part of his own narrations.


The history narrations are a charming way to review history. I love reading back over them with my dc, so I just couldn't give up doing them this year, even if it did give me writer's cramp :)

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in history and science? Are you having your student write or copy those narrations as well as the WWE ones? Thanks.


Nope. Probably should. :D I am doing Bible narrations for the middle two along with WWE. Mostly I am happy that it is consistently getting done.




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My 7 year old doesn't, but he's pretty weak on narrations and really resists doing them. I'm still deciding whether we'll add in narrations for history next year or not. He also really resists history (I promise he does like some things--just not the same stuff I think is fun. He's into math and science), so my main goal there is to get him more interested in it.

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My first grader does one history narration a week in addition to WWE. We haven't done narrations in science (though we do usually have one copywork sentence a week in science and history each). I have noticed a significant improvement in her history narrations since starting WWE. And thus, she enjoys it more because she's actually good at it.

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