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WOOT! I think we're on our way...

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I've been struggling to get DD to read chapter books because we're frankly running out of picture books that challenge her. We were in Barnes & Noble this evening and I showed her a series about fairies and rainbows, and she decided she wanted to read it. :lol:


It may be fluff (okay, it *is* fluff! lol) but once we're past this mental block she has about chapter books my life will be SOOO much easier!:thumbup:

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Hang in there! Once she finds a chapter book she likes, she'll take off.


My mother used to fret about how I only read picture books, and then I read a Beverly Cleary Ramona book when I was about 7 or 8, and the magic happened. It will for her, too.

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:) It wasn't so much that we're concerned that she isn't reading chapter books as we're running out of picture books that we can afford. :tongue_smilie: She's reading at a 2nd grade level, but still has the attention span of any other five year old. (She'll be 6 in October.) Getting her interested in chapter books means it's that much easier to FIND books for her to read. :D

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My oldest dug in his heels about chapter books. It finally took finding Jackie Chan chapter books (thinner than Magic Treehouse) and bribery with pizza to break that block. But now at 13, he reads whatever I assign plus at least 2x more in free reading. So starting with fluff can lead to soooooooo much more.

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It is one of the best things about homeschooling. Especially since teaching reading was totally foreign to me. I don't remember learning to read. I was reading Nancy Drew in 1st grade. I remember that because I lost several books from reading during classtime. My mom says I was reading at about 3. None of my kids have learned that early, but once they did learn, it was really fun to be able to share my favorites with them.

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I've been struggling to get DD to read chapter books because we're frankly running out of picture books that challenge her. We were in Barnes & Noble this evening and I showed her a series about fairies and rainbows, and she decided she wanted to read it. :lol:


It may be fluff (okay, it *is* fluff! lol) but once we're past this mental block she has about chapter books my life will be SOOO much easier!:thumbup:


Oh :ack2: ! Yep, that's what got my 8 y.o. to start reading (at 6). After the rainbow, jewel, holiday, pet, flower and - good grief! - who knows what fairies, she moved on to Spiderwick, a Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, and Cornelia Funke within a few months and is now reading Peter Beagle, one of my dad's favorite authors.


They're great for getting little girls reading but, oh my, they.are.so.baaaaaaad!:svengo: I was happy to see that phase end. On the other hand, I am beginning to worry about running out of appropriate reading material... maybe I can interest her in the Economist?

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:eek: Do you buy every book that she reads?


No, but we've cleaned out our local branch of teh library and actually have had to start going to a different one. :glare:


Oh :ack2: ! Yep, that's what got my 8 y.o. to start reading (at 6). After the rainbow, jewel, holiday, pet, flower and - good grief! - who knows what fairies, she moved on to Spiderwick, a Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, and Cornelia Funke within a few months and is now reading Peter Beagle, one of my dad's favorite authors.


They're great for getting little girls reading but, oh my, they.are.so.baaaaaaad!:svengo: I was happy to see that phase end. On the other hand, I am beginning to worry about running out of appropriate reading material... maybe I can interest her in the Economist?




Yep - I'm hoping to read Little House with her in the fall. I was just waiting for her to realize that chapter books have something of interest in them. :tongue_smilie:

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