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AP Art History???

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I had AP Art History in High school. I'd be curious to see what others use know but we used Janson's History of Art and a couple of books on artists, and another book called The Visual Experience. We reviewed and memorized lots of slides, and that was a part of the test.


Sorry I can't help more, but I would be curious to hear other's opinions. I know that Oak Meadow sells a syllabus for an art history class.



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...about this too. My youngest is interested in art, and I know so little. He's a 9th grade student, and so far we have done the Teaching Company course on European Art, and that's about it. I have a number of resources including Janson's, but I'm wondering if that is up-to-date enough to be used for an AP course.


Have you seen the course guide?



Also, has anyone done the AP Studio Art? Our local private school offers a class for this, but they take two years to complete the portfolio.

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After researching this on College Confidential, here's what my dd (now an 11th grader) will be using to study this next year:


The Annotated Mona Lisa

AP Art History by REA with CD (ISBN 0-7386-0479-8)

The REA book looks good. We may buy another practice book if she wants more multiple choice samples (past free response samples can be downloaded from the College Board website).


Both of these books were highly recommended on College Confidential.


Also, find out all you can from the College Board website, especially the FAQs:


Scroll down a bit for the Art History FAQs.


We also have a lot of other art books, such as Janson's and Sister Wendy's, which she might use for reference if there is time.


Sorry to be the blind leading the blind about this! FWIW, I have had experience guiding my dc for self-study for other APs.



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I found this outline for the class on the FLVS site for their AP Art History Class.


Segment 1:


  • Class Introduction and Prehistoric Art
  • Ancient Near Eastern Art: Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Persian Art
  • Egyptian Art: Old, Middle and New Kingdom
  • Aegean Art: Cycladic, Minoan and Mycenaean Art
  • Greek Art: Geometric and Classical
  • Greek Art: Late Classical and Hellenistic
  • Etruscan & Roman Republican Art
  • Roman Imperial Art
  • Early Christian Art
  • Byzantine Art
  • Islamic Art
  • Early Middle Ages Art: Viking, Hiberno-Saxon, Carolingian and Ottonian art
  • Romanesque Art
  • Northern Gothic Art
  • Italian Gothic Art: International Style and the Sienese School
  • Northern 15th Century Art

Segment 2:


  • Early Italian Renaissance Art
  • High Italian Renaissance Art I
  • High Italian Renaissance Art II
  • Northern Renaissance
  • Italian Baroque
  • Northern Baroqe & Rococo
  • 19th Century I: Neoclassicism, Romanticism and American Landscape painting
  • 19th Century II: Realism, American Realists and Impressionism
  • 19th Century III: Post Impressionism, Symbolism, Art Nouveau and the "Fin-de-Siecle"
  • 19th Century IV: Late 19th Century sculpture and architecture
  • 20th Century I: Fauvism, German Expressionism, Cubism, Purism, Futurism and Precisionism
  • 20th Century II: Dada, Surrealism, Fantasy art, Suprematism, Constructivism, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Art Deco and Organic Art
  • 20th Century III: Abstract Expressionism, Post Painterly Abstraction, Minimalism, Pop Art, Superrealism, Environmental art, Neo-Expressionism
  • 20th Century IV: Modernist and Post Modernist architecture, 20th Century political art and new technologies art
  • Non-European Tradition I: Asian Art and the Art of India
  • Non-European Tradition II: African Art and the Indigenous Arts of Africa, the Americas & Oceania

I am still hoping to hear from someone who has gone down this road already because that list kinda intimidates me.

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Although I have no experience with AP, the outline you presented looks like a typical Introductory Art History course, something that I did study in college.


Perhaps you might want to use Teaching Company DVDs as well as a text? Has anyone on these boards checked out Art Across the Ages? A shorter and less comprehensive series is Art of the Western World, available for free viewing from the Annenberg site.

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  • 3 years later...
I just took AP Art History this year and I self studied, I feel okay about it, I have a lot of info on my experience and all the stuff I used to study on my blog if you want to check that out





What was the AP test like? I'd heard that it requires lots of memorization of dates & facts. Is this true, that the AP Art History test is more "fact based" than theory/application?

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Also, has anyone done the AP Studio Art? Our local private school offers a class for this, but they take two years to complete the portfolio.


My younger dd is just finishing the Drawing exam -- porfolios are due Friday.


It has been a wonderful but very tough year. It is a boat load of work. I'm not surprised that some schools decide to do it over 2 years.



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Did she take the ap studio art through a school or were you somehow able to do it at home?


Dd has an art teacher but we are in the UK. Just curious if we could somehow do the exam from here?


Thank you for any advice.

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Did she take the ap studio art through a school or were you somehow able to do it at home?


Dd has an art teacher but we are in the UK. Just curious if we could somehow do the exam from here?


Thank you for any advice.

She took the course through Pennsylvania Homeschoolers. It has been a boat load of work, easily the most demanding time-wise of the AP courses she's taking this year (Biology, Calculus BC, and Macroeconomics).


Her teachers have been very helpful and the online critiques have been most useful. She's learned a lot.


That being said, it has been the hardest to manage at our end. You have to find a school that is willing to submit the portfolios for you -- not easy as it isn't a very commonly offered exam.


I checked the AP course ledger. Only 7 schools in the UK have authorized AP courses, 2 (1 is a DOD school) offer Studio Art: Drawing. The school doesn't have to offer the course for a homeschooler to take it of course but they do have to be willing to serve as the coordinator for the upload to the college board.


Feel free to pm me if you have more questions.




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