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WII FIT users, please tell me about yours

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Seems I am getting a WII FIT for Mother's Day. I know little about them. Thought I would ask for My Fitness Coach, and Jillian Michaels (not sure how to spell her name). How does it work? How long are the work outs? What sort of exercises do they have? I am not into jumping, any areobics that don't have jumping yoga or pilates? Can someone please get me up to speed on what these things are and are about? I am just not a video game person.

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Seems I am getting a WII FIT for Mother's Day. I know little about them. Thought I would ask for My Fitness Coach, and Jillian Michaels (not sure how to spell her name). How does it work? How long are the work outs? What sort of exercises do they have? I am not into jumping, any areobics that don't have jumping yoga or pilates? Can someone please get me up to speed on what these things are and are about? I am just not a video game person.


I've not done the Jillian Michaels workout, but the workout cd that comes with the wiifit doesn't have any jumping. (wait, it does, but it's not literally jumping in to the air; you simulate jumping by making the motion with your legs, but your feet don't leave the balance board. You're not supposed to jump on the board, anyway)


There's step aerobics, boxing, running in place, hula hooping (don't laugh, this will kill you. KILL.) balance games such as skiing, soccer, and other games that are hard to describe. Yoga has no jumping in it. There are strength training exercises, but I've not done those. There are no pilates, that I'm aware of, unless they're calling a pilate move something else.

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I'm not a video game person either but I do enjoy the Wii Fit. I don't have any of the other exercise games just the Fit. There are several categories to choose from: Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobics, Balance games, Favorites(keeps track of what you do most). As you advance in each category more and longer routines will be opened up. It starts a little slow at first but as you figure out what you like to do you can streamline your time. Have fun:)!

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I love our WiiFit!


They have four categories of exercises: yoga, strength, aerobic and balance. You can work out as long as you want and pick from many different exercises. The best part is that it unlocks new exercises as you use it. The other fun part is that it ranks each user by exercise so it is great for family competitions. My kids get on it all the time trying to beat my score and each other. Very motivating! I'm not sure if they have pilates, but the yoga section is very well done.


I use it on the days that I don't work out at the health club. My balance is really bad so I try to do some balance exercises every time I use it. For aerobics I do step, running and hula hoop. They don't have any jumping aerobics that I know of.


What a great Mother's Day gift. You are going to love it!


Happy Mother's Day to you.

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I am currently sore from working out on our Wii Fit. My favorites are the Super Hula Hoop and Kickboxing. Soo much fun!


I love super hula hoop, and the boxing...but is Kickboxing something you have to "advance" to?

I love the fact that I can actually beat my kids at some events (snowboarding comes to mind!!)

Really enjoying it, and hoping it doesn't get boring




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I just unlocked the kickboxing Monday. I think from my Super Hula Hoop score, perhaps? And I unlocked up to advanced kickboxing (which isn't hard, but makes me SWEAT) today. So fun! I wish there was a whole kickboxing workout for the Wii. And maybe Zumba for the Wii, too!

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This is not rhythm boxing? 'Cause listed right below the hula hoop & super hula hoop is the rhythm boxing, and in rhythm boxing you start with beginner and can unlock advanced and expert. I really like the rhythm boxing and do not particularly like kickboxing for some odd reason, lol.


I love my Wii Fit. I used it all winter when I was battling my seasonal blues, and it enticed me to be more active every day. I have a bum ankle so I worked a lot on my balance and strengthening my ankle with various Wii Fit exercises, and saw a huge improvement over the first three months.


Due to the ankle I don't enjoy the running stuff, but have improved quite a bit at most of the aerobic stuff, love the rhythm boxing, finally got the hang of hula hoop, really enjoy the balance games (table tilt -- love that little game!) and the yoga, and recently I've started trying more of the strength exercises, gulp.


Now that I'm better at most of the Wii Fit exercises, I go to it for core/balance work, some yoga, and some strength work. For cardio I do rhythm boxing on expert, and maybe some hula hoop, but now I'm trying workout DVDs for better cardio workouts for me. (I can't believe I'm able to follow a workout DVD -- it's those months of doing the advanced step and the various rhythm boxing, lol!)


Have fun! My kids enjoyed it quite a lot at first, but I am more consistently using it and racking up more high scores, so they find it harder to beat my scores now. Oops.


I also got We Ski, because I enjoyed the ski slalom so much on Wii Fit. My ds9 really loves playing We Ski. I have a short list of other active Wii games I want to get, now that Wii Fit has been so fun: Outdoor Challenge, a Dance Dance Revolution game, the downloadable Helix, and I hear there's a marble run game. I would LOVE a whole "game" of Wii Fit step, or Wii Fit rhythm boxing!

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