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I found ds10 on his bed in the fetal position, rocking. . .

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When we all had the flu last week, it was my 10yr. old dd that suffers the worst, laid up all week moaning and barely able to move. My younger children didn't take it nearly as bad as she did.


It was worth it to take her to the Dr. for prescription-strength decongestant and cough syrup. The OTC stuff wasn't touching her.

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I am glad you were able to get him to cooling tub, it's amazing what our bodies can do even tho we think otherwise. This flu bug that is going around;the country it would seem, comes with incredibly high fevers. When it hit our house 2 of mine had fever of 104. It would go down with bath and meds. but darn thing would come back as quick as it left. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers for speed healing.

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Both dc had fevers over 103 this morning but thankfully both were coherant and responded right away to Children's motrin. I do let lower fevers run their course. I want that heat to cook those germs right up! Fortunately my own fevers have hovered around the 100 degree range - not pleasant but I can still function and take care of them.

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