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I was wondering if any vegetarians have others in the house that aren't


If so, how do you go about fixing meals and how does it affect your budget?

Do you spend more or less?


There would be 3 non-veg in our house.

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My husband is a vegetarian because he has issues processing animal protein.


We tend to eat a lot of organics, so that makes our grocery bill higher. However, meat is expensive so maybe it balances out?


I buy tofu on occasion, but not all the time.


He tends to eat a lot of brown rice (cheap) and dried beans that have been soaked and simmered (cheap). He also uses a lot of fresh herbs in his stuff, and that can get expensive quickly. Oh, and we go through a *lot* of produce.


Soy milk and produce are for sure the most expensive parts of DH's diet.


The kids and I are not vegetarians, but sometimes we will eat vegetarian meals with DH.


There are 5 of us, plus two cats. We do 90% of our grocery shopping at Costco, where we spend $400 or so once a month, plus $50-$100 once a week on things like bread and milk. We spent $550 to join a CSA this year, which starts tomorrow. This is our first year doing it, so not sure how that will affect the grocery budget, but it should help. It ends up being like $22/week when it is spread over the full CSA season, which is a lot less than what we are spending on produce now.


Hope that helps. :)

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I'm not a vegetarian now but I was for 7 years while in high school and college. I would make my own meals or my family would make meals that the meat could easily be avoided. An example would be chicken parmasan. As long as the chicken was cooked seperately, the rest of the meal was fine with me. The arrangement worked well for us.

I can't help with your budget question though. I was buying most of my food at that time.

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You really have to know how to season them!

We are use to seasoning with fatback or ham.




Oh, and a lot of times, DH will fix his own food (a crock pot of baked beans that will last him 4 days, for example) and I deal with food for everybody else.
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I'm not a big meat eater as it is, so alot of the meat that I cook goes to the side..spaghetti and chicken alfredo




I'm not a vegetarian now but I was for 7 years while in high school and college. I would make my own meals or my family would make meals that the meat could easily be avoided. An example would be chicken parmasan. As long as the chicken was cooked seperately, the rest of the meal was fine with me. The arrangement worked well for us.

I can't help with your budget question though. I was buying most of my food at that time.

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You really have to know how to season them!

We are use to seasoning with fatback or ham.


I will ask him what he puts in them. I'm used to bacon in my baked beans and I am not good at making my own with or without bacon. The way he does it is good though, but it is spicy.

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At our place, kids are expected to eat what they are given, so they were being fed vegan. Dh was happy to eat vegan at home, and get his meat fix when he was out.





Ditto, Rosie! My kiddo has been veg from the womb and now wouldn't eat meat for any amount of money! My husband is happy to veg at home and eat meat at lunch, et c. We say he "meats out" for lunch.

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Taco salad

Fried Chicken w/broc. and rice

Fried pork chops w/broc and corn



hamburgers and fries


Beef Stew

Steak/bake potatoe--once a month or so

Beef stir fry

Chicken Stir fry

sloppy joes



The other thing is lunch on the go for me and the kids

Normally we take a turkey sandwich and some chips or crackers..what to take in place of this, that would be easy to eat in the car?


OH...we do not like tofu. We all tried it and did not like it at all!

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It's that time of semester for dh and I have a baby who wants to be held (slings don't count) nearly all day, so it's beany noodley one pot wonders at the moment. Usually, though, we're eating out of my miso cookbook and the mediterranean vegan cookbooks. I'm still learning to tweak recipes from my non-vegan books. Risottos, lasagne, soups, salad and more salad, spaghetti, normal stuff. We don't do tofu either, but we enjoy tempeh every week or two. I get bored easily, so when we're able to cook, we eat a lot of different things. I'm wanting a new sea weed cookbook. Beans are good. White beans substitute quite well for white meat, and kidney beans for red meat.




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