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Any dog psychologist on board?

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My dog and cats and not on the most friendly basis yet. So we keep them seperated. WE have a two story house with a pet gate at the top of the stairs. Dog either runs around free downstairs and cats upstairs of visa versa. When the dog is downstairs he is wel behaved. No chewing of inappropriate items. However, when he is upstair he will eat everything he can get ahold of. He is never unattended and as far as I can tell nothing else is different. He has his own chew items and he get plenty of attention and training up stairs. I can't figure out what the difference is and it is driving me crazy. I homeschool up stairs in my office so if I want to keep him with me he has to be upstairs part of the day. No to mention the cat condo, food, water and liter boxes are downstairs so the cats need some time down there. Any ideas? What am I doing wrong and what can I do differently?

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The just doesn't like it up there. That's my guess. There are endless "toys" and the fact that he's more comfy downstairs and able to see to walk outside could be it. Plus it may have cat smells on everything and he wants to eat it. Take the dog on a leash upstairs or leave the dog downstairs.

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I would get your dog aquainted with your cat ASAP. There is no reason they should not get along....it can be done, LOL! Who is the agressor...the dog or the cat? I would put an end to that.....




Well, dog runs towards the cats they run away a chase ensues. I have four cats and the alpha cat stands his ground so they have worked out an uneasy truce. The two middle cats will run but attack if cornered. They baby just does his very best to run and hide but it seems he is the one that is always trapped by the dog and he is very skittish already. We have worked with a proefessional trainer and tried every method short of an electronic collar. That's what the trainer suggest and I have been hesitant about the idea but if he doesn't adjust soon then I think I am going to consider it because things can't go on like this. The dog has been here three months already and we have made no progress on this issue. We haven't had much success with curbing the chewing either even after trying several different methods. I have managed to train him to bring most items to me in exchange to a treat instead of just eating them but even this is not 100% reliable.

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We had this problem and nothing changed until I got in front of the cat when the dog ran after it. This works best in a doorway where the dog can't get around you to the cat. Just stand there facing the dog, pushing her back if she advances and have a very firm physical presence and a strong "no". And be prepared to do it over and over again for a week or so.


Once your dog will start pausing before chasing the cat you need to her whenever the cat approaches and give her a tap on the body and a firm "no" whenever she notices the cat with any signs of excitement like perked ears, wagging tail and tensing up.


Holding the dog back or yelling "no" from anywhere but right in front of the dog won't make a difference.


It'll take a little while but it's worth it in the end.

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Is your dog more used to the down stairs than the upstairs. Maybe she needs to be taught how to act one roo at a time, rather than have run of the entire upstairs. Maybe she needs a time out spot upstairs, a small crate with a her bed and toys. A treat now and then for behaving.


As far as the dog and cat, you could just give kitty a room to escape into rather than an entire floor.


How big is the dog? How aggressive? Does the dog just want to play? If the dog is not too big and just wants to play I'd let them loose together. Kitties are usually very well versed in teaching puppies manners.

Just ask my Australian Shepherd. She bows to all felines. My little orange tabby has taught her her place. LOL :D They are all (I have 4 cats) working a bit harder on the little westie puppy. He is quite undeterred by wacks in the face.

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