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Just be really careful. I have a friend who used one with deet on her son without really thinking about it and he got very, very sick. I have no recommendations other than maybe a natural type of some sort. Could you maybe ask the other adults what they use for their kids? Perhaps they make something and sell it there that they do not make or sell here since we do not have the same issues in the US?

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I don't where you are going in Malaysia, but we were told the exact same thing about Singapore. I packed brand new things of OFF. We never used it once and didn't have a single mosquito bite.


Now that's not to say you won't have mosquitoes where you are going, just that it may not be as bad as what you heard.

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I read something recently (via email) about Bounce brand dryer sheets repelling mosquitos by rubbing them on exposed skin and also tucking it somewhere in your clothing.


Keep in mind it came from an email, and so it's strictly anecdotal. I haven't yet tried it myself (they're starting to come out here and I plan to, though).




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I'm in Singapore, and most people don't use mosquito repellent regularly unless they're going to be outdoors for the day in grassy areas or near jungle patches. When repellent is used, the OFF sprays seem to be the most popular (one trick: spray on your hands and wipe on your ears so ears are protected too). I'm quite sure you should be able to buy OFF in Malaysia.


For indoors, it really depends on the area your house is in. Something I have personally used in the past is a noise-emitting device that you plug into a wall socket. It emits a very high-pitched sound that apparently keeps mosquitoes away - some adults can't hear it, but it might bother you if you were sensitive to sounds. (It worked for me and didn't bother my ears too much.) There are also UV light devices that attract mosquitoes and other insects and zap them when they get in.


Some people seem to attract mosquitoes and get bitten more than others... no idea why.


Hope this helps :001_smile:



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Up in Canada we have this awesome one for these thick blood suckers. It's called Muskol, and it's in a small bottle. It's an oil, and a little goes a loooong way. A few drops would do all exposed skin. While camping we put a few drops in a plastic bag and roll our mosquito net around in it, then put the net over your bed for a peaceful sleep. You know, the only thing worse than hearing those darn suckers buzz around your head at night, is when you don't hear those suckers buzz around your head anymore! You could even put a drop on a bounce sheet or facecloth when drying your clothes. Awesome stuff, works the best here!

MUSKOL link.... if you can't find it there but would like some, I'm sure there's many of us friendly Canuks who could arrange a shipment.

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We spent a few weeks in Penang and did not see one mosquito. The jungle and Perentian Islands were different though.

However, in Penang you can easily get OFF or anything else you needed like that. They have a big very western market that can almost trick you into thinking you were back in the states.

Speaking of Perentian Islands, it would be well worth a trip.

We got to swim in a coral reef, with sharks, and with sea turtles for like 25.00; the cost of a private "chartered" boat.


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