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Dumb question - what does it mean to be "Goth"?

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I really don't know what this term is supposed to mean as it is currently used. I think of "Gothic" as an architeceral style and literary period.


My understanding is that it can range from being no more than a clothing style (wearing all black possibly with skulls, with black make-up and red/black hair if you're female) to being a severe attitude/depression problem. Hopefully someone will give you better info or I can get more from my ds tomorrow.

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I hung with that crowd as a teen....I'm sure it can vary per each individual's experience, but for me I remember lots of black clothes and black nail polish and black hair, white face makeup sometimes, LOTS of listening to The Cure, hanging out in coffeehouses. A lot of people were really into vampires, as well.

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I hung with that crowd as a teen....I'm sure it can vary per each individual's experience, but for me I remember lots of black clothes and black nail polish and black hair, white face makeup sometimes, LOTS of listening to The Cure, hanging out in coffeehouses. A lot of people were really into vampires, as well.


I LOVED The Cure! Most of the friends I had that were "goth" in the late 80s were really intelligent - many of them were in honors classes in high school, and went on to college etc. I did meet a few (and I mean VERY few) that were into vampires. I think that was because the Ann Rice books were very popular back then.


Today, I dunno, most of the "goth" kids I have met that are my younger sister's friends (she is now 21) are more Emo - they are all sad and depressing and thinking life is so much more complicated than it has to be.


However, I do like some of the goth clothes and such.

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Here is a really rough outsiders' definition:


Goth - metal, skulls, chains, black clothing, 'fake vampire' - sometimes with a historic renaissance/victorian feel. The character Abby on the TV Show NCIS is supposedly 'goth'.


Emo - skinny black clothes, straight hair hanging over face, heavy make-up, occasional incongruous bright accents (bright pink skulls with heart shaped eyes, dead Hello Kitties). Emo usually looks modern not historic. There is a sterotype of self-harm.


Scene - The kids who like to dress Emo but use it as fashion statement not an emotional state.


Occasional minor crossover with Cos-Play. Kids who like to dress up as fantasy or historic characters, often part of a fandom like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings.


Obviously some of the lines blur and the kids involved can have varying levels of intensity.


I get this information from the teenagers I drive to various teen I drive (carpool) to activities. :001_smile:


Feel free to correct or tweak my definitions.

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H'mmm...would painting a bedroom deep purple with one black accent wall, hanging black curtains, and covering the walls with drawings of eyes (and Jonas Bros. posters;) ) count? How about dying one's hair stark black, wearing black or purple nail polish, lots of skulls and/or vampires on clothes/earrings? My dd insists she is NOT Goth.....since all she listens to is Jonas Bros. I suppose she really isn't Goth ;) But she sure looks like one.


Oh - now that I have really read the posts here , thanks to Denise I can call my kid "scene" !!!

Edited by JFSinIL
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Interesting. I just didn't want to use the jargon incorrectly. There is a LOT more to it (with a lot more subtleties - that looks like it is spelled wrong!) than I realized.


I think you would even find differences in how self-identified goths from one place (or time) to another identify goths. And like punk or mod (the similar groups from my highschool days) there is a spectrum and a constant changing over time.


Too bad none of the photos of me with a faux mohawk survive.

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LOL...this thread makes me giggle. Reminds me of the dad on TV with the rap song..."Whacky weed is really bad...and I should know cause I'm your dad..."


"Goth" can be just a style of dressing among teens to a whole way of life with different beliefs and such. In my little private highschool in the 90's, the "goths" were the kids that looked like they walked off the set of the Adam's Family.


Hey...Since I love love love the Twilight saga so much, perhaps I am a bit Goth myself....LOL

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I remember lots of black clothes and black nail polish and black hair... LOTS of listening to The Cure.


I LOVED The Cure!


Curiously, I just got home from a session working with Lol Tolhurst, the former drummer for the Cure, who is doing the music from my current documentary film project.


Nice guy!



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