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Explode the Code


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We used it on it's own till just a couple months ago. Dd did 100 EZ Lessons and then began the ETC books (K-2nd). A couple months ago we dropped ETC and began All About Spelling. Some say that it isn't enough, but it worked for us.

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We did ETC from primers through ETC 8 as our primary program, supplemented with leveled readers from the library, Dick and Jane and sight word flashcards. She was reading quite well by ETC 3-4, so after that it primarily became a spelling program. Once we finished with ETC 8 we switched to Spelling Power and have been doing well.

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When we used it, we did ETC with BOB Books for practice. ETC is great if your child likes workbooks, and it covers all the bases. We never did the primers because Ariel learned all the consonants and short vowel sounds with the Leapfrog videos before I found out about ETC.

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We use it as our full program, supplemented with whatever readers interest the kids.


We've finished up book 4 and Beyond the Code 2 so far, moving on to ETC 5 now.


And we'll add FLL next year for some grammar. (The TG may cover some of that, I don't know, I don't often look at it, but FLL looks nice and gentle.)


Anyway ETC works well for us so far.

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My oldest has gone through book 8 and my youngest just finished book 4. We have used it as our main phonics for my youngest and spelling/phonics for my oldest. Both my kids are good readers, with my oldest being a very strong reader.


I will say my oldest didn't like ETC but I made him do it anyway :001_smile: I noticed a difference right away in his spelling - which is the main reason I purchased the program for my oldest in the first place.


I'm typically not a workbook person, but I can't argue with positive results.



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I use Explode the Code 1, 2, and 3 with this reader from Sonlight--http://www.sonlight.com/phonics.html If it is the same one (I have an older version), it goes right along with Explode the Code perfectly teaching the same phonics skills at the same time. I use this at the Kindergarten level, and I LOVE IT! Pardon my excitement, but it is so easy. I've taught three children to read this way, and I will not go to another way of teaching reading and phonics. I've continued to use the upper levels of the Explode the Code with Rod and Staff second grade readers (my first grader is in the second grade readers after having completed most of the Sonlight book and first three Explode the Codes.) I may second guess what I use for all the other subjects, but my reading and phonics I love!

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