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Sent in our financial aid appeal today, may I request your prayers?

Sharon in MD

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Well, today we sent in our request for a review of our aid/scholarship package to ds's number one choice school. We don't qualify for federal aid because dh makes too much, but we also are trying to lower our rather high credit card debt and other loans, so we hate to take on significant college debt.


Ds was offered a pretty nice 1/2 tuition scholarship already and we are praying that when the committee looks over the other offers he has received at other comparable schools, they may be willing to increase their scholarship to come closer so that our final costs would be about the same.


I'm trying to find a job for when ds graduates, but haven't had any nibbles yet, so that would be another prayer need.


Ds is desperate to go to his #1 choice, but we are really praying that the Lord would bless him with more scholarship money. We really believe his #1 pick is the best fit for him, it's just awfully expensive.


Thanks so much for praying!

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We are happy, happy dancing here today! :party:


We are also praying grateful and joyful prayers of thanksgiving..


..the appeals committee granted ds additional scholarship money (a total $20,000 a year :w00t: :hurray:) and is offering him an added $3,000 per year in a subsidized loan from the university. The loan acts like a subsidized Stafford loan, but from private university funds. I cannot tell you how excited and thrilled we are that God has opened the door for us. It will still be tough, but we can make it work, which is what we asked for.


DS is so excited...this is his dream school and dream opportunity. Thank you so much for praying with us!


Here's a hug from me to all of you :grouphug:

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Wow!! And they didn't make you wait very long to hear either, Sharon! What great news for you and Alex! It obviously was just meant to be. Now ... if you could just keep praying for Alec's Young Scholarship, okay? :) A month of waiting as an alternate, and we're STILL waiting ... sigh.

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Just seeing this - first time on this board :huh: but adding my congrats to you!!! Now for the real question - will he be able to continue his dancing in college? :) DD has pretty much resigned herself to (at least) slowing down, she'll hit the highest level in Sept. so she'll have nearly a year to compete as a premiere.....

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Hey there..thanks for posting!


Well, I think that Irish is probably at an end for a while...maybe for good for ds. It is sad; it has been a good run. This springs shows have been poignant to say the least. I had a really hard time not crying at the finales of the last two big shows because I knew I was watching the last live big show for him. We don't know of any similar ops for him at his school in Philly....but we also have not had a serious talk with his dance director yet.


I don't think he will continue other than recreationally. He seems to think that he is done...and has made comments that make me think he has started to put it to the side... Gosh it is hard to move on in some ways. But, he is happy with his choice of school and he did truly consider the Irish dance in his equations....but he knew it probably wouldn't work out to stay involved as a student.


Hey, if I can do it as a 46 year old mom....he can pick it up again too.


He was invited to participate in the dance program at his college, but it is more jazz and modern...so he declined the offer, but added, "hey, if you ever want to incorporate IRISH, give me a yell." We'll see....probably not much opportunity other than pub dancing/showing off is my guess.

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