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Front Load Washer

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I've used baby wipes on the rubber. It works pretty well as a temporary kind of measure but didn't really solve the problem.


I did a search on stinky washers awhile back and ended up getting Affresh laundry tablets from Amazon. I think other places have them but they were a good price there and I can just add them when I'm ordering something else and get free shipping. They are expensive but have worked pretty well. I used three of them the first time and then since then use it about once a month. I have noticed that the stinky smell is MUCH better and the build-up seems to be gone. There is still a little but it's much much better.


Before that I'd tried a bunch of other things I'd read on the Internet (baking soda and hot water, etc) and none of them worked for me.


Other things that help are being sure I don't use too much detergent. It's amazing how little you need for the HE machines and I think I used to use too much which made the build-up much worse. Also I leave the door open all the time when not in use.

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I fold the gasket forward and wipe it with a clorox wipe.

But I was using WAY too much detergent.

I noticed on teh box that it touted 48 loads,, details were that the appropriate measue was a tablespoon ( or so) yet the enclosed meausing thingy was in cups.

sneaky sneaky...


So, I got an old tablespoon measure and we use that now.

So many times, we don't really need detergent. or just the teeniest bit.


And I'll wash an occasional load with bleach and thta has seemed to do the trick.


Christine in aL

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I use liquid detergent now (Tide) but in the past I've used the powdered kind from Sears and also the liquid kind from Sam's (not sure of the name, but it's the store brand). I use Downy liquid fabric softener, but I've occasionally used Purex. I use bleach (1/3 cup, I think) when I wash whites. Some loads I do in hot water, some in warm, and some in cold. My washer (Whirlpool Duet) has been very low-maintenance. The only problem we had was a few weeks ago when it wasn't draining properly. Dh took the drain hose off and looked to see if it was clogged (it wasn't), then put it back on, and it is working fine.

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I have wiped it out once. I think it's important to use the proper detergent and to use very little of it. I use 7th Generation, but I use to use All free and clear. Both work fine. I use only the smallest amount, up to the very first line on the cap. I don't even think that is a measuring line, but it seems to be the right amount for a full load. For towels I use even less. I do 3 loads a day, 5 days a week, and a bottle will last 2 months.


Also, do leave the washer open when not in use.

Edited by Kim in Appalachia
forgot to finish sentence.
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I have never cleaned mine in the 4 years that I have had it (Whirlpool Duet).

I don't use bleach.

I use liquid Tide HE original scent (and don't use as much as they say to).

I use liquid Downey April Fresh.

I do leave the door open a crack when not in use.

No problems (knock on wood) with it.

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