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I've lost 20# with Sparkpeople! Come join us!

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What specifically has helped you drop the pounds at Sparkpeople? I opened an account there but was uninspired at the time. It seemed to be a calorie counter. I know I am missing something and need some specific guidance.


Are you doing a specific type of diet there like high protein, etc? Do you log in everything? I really need some inspiration here to drop about 40 pounds so I need some guidance.

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What specifically has helped you drop the pounds at Sparkpeople? I opened an account there but was uninspired at the time. It seemed to be a calorie counter. I know I am missing something and need some specific guidance.


Are you doing a specific type of diet there like high protein, etc? Do you log in everything? I really need some inspiration here to drop about 40 pounds so I need some guidance.


I started off just reading articles and tracking my calorie intake. I guess it was a self-brainwashing thing. I had a big misunderstanding of normal serving sizes, for instance. When I was younger, I could NOT gain weight. I could eat a pizza by myself. The articles I read helped me to visualize what those portions meant to my present body.


The Well-Trained Sparks Team would sometimes have a challenge, and I would try to keep up with it. I felt a little accountability to check in periodically and tell what steps I was taking toward reaching my goals. Now I'm actually exercising because I want to!


I understood the basics of losing weight before -- eat less, exercise more. But the articles I've read have given me more knowledge about types of exercises, sleep, stress, nutrition, etc. That leads to more questions! So I post my questions on the forums and someone answers or sends me a link to another article.


I really enjoy getting points which lead to "trophies" for my account. I enjoy giving and receiving Sparkgoodies -- little icons for my Sparkpage. Other members leave inspiration or encouragement for each other.


I'm slow progressing. It's taken over a year. But I'm seeing consistent progress in my nutritional choices, my strength and stamina, and my measurements.


Are you a member of our team? I lose track since many of us use a different username over there . . . .




There are many other teams, too. Some have special interests, some use specific workout programs, some have similar health challenges . . . It's been great for me!

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What specifically has helped you drop the pounds at Sparkpeople? I opened an account there but was uninspired at the time. It seemed to be a calorie counter. I know I am missing something and need some specific guidance.


Are you doing a specific type of diet there like high protein, etc? Do you log in everything? I really need some inspiration here to drop about 40 pounds so I need some guidance.


I've only just started (2 weeks now) but for me what is helping is the measuring of portions sizes. I had really lost all proportion of what was a good portion size.


Also the points help. I am incredibly competitive and I like that I am competing against myself and others to get points. It motivates me to do just 5 more minutes of exercise because I know I get another point for it.


All the articles are really interesting as well.

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I think it's a GREAT site!!!!


I got out of the habit of tracking my food ---- I read that statistically it helps people lose weight. I have to start doing it again - thanks for the nudge!


I like that they calculate your protein/carb/fat percentages so I know whether I'm in the right range. I found I needed to eat more protein and wasn't as bad on fat as I thought.

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Oooh, oooh! Can I ask a question? How does the calorie counter thing work? Does it have a lot of prepared/brand-name items in the database? I've been using Fitday, and it's really helping, but I have to enter every single item by hand because their generic-item nutrition data is never even close to the brand-name item info.


And yes, can you sent out invites to the WTM group? Some public humiliation might be just what I need to kick into higher gear.



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Oooh, oooh! Can I ask a question? How does the calorie counter thing work? Does it have a lot of prepared/brand-name items in the database? I've been using Fitday, and it's really helping, but I have to enter every single item by hand because their generic-item nutrition data is never even close to the brand-name item info.


And yes, can you sent out invites to the WTM group? Some public humiliation might be just what I need to kick into higher gear.




They do have some brand names but you can always add your own brand names too if you find them to different from the generic. It is actually really easy to do (I did that today:001_smile:)

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They do have some brand names but you can always add your own brand names too if you find them to different from the generic. It is actually really easy to do (I did that today:001_smile:)


Thank you! I just joined so I could see what the interface looks like. It's very busy (Fitday is very simple, so I'm used to that now), but it has some features I really like, like the counter for how much water you drink. That's a great reminder, because I always forget. I'll keep playing with it.


Oh, I saw that you can search other users' databases for things you're looking for. I did a sample search for Thomas' cinnamon raisin Toasting Bread, which is what I had for breakfast today, and I was able to find it easily. I love that!

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