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For those who w/ chemical sensitivity to washing powder, what


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Yep, All Free Clear is the one that worked for my hyper-sensitive kid. We tried a jillion others when he was a baby, and they all made him break out (especially, weirdly enough, some of the "all natural" ones I tried -- those gave him full-on hives). He's less sensitive now -- his clothes have been washed in other brands while at has grandmother's house, for instance, in the last year or so and he hasn't had any obvious problems, but I'd be afraid to switch at home for day-to-day use.


I can smell Tide on someone's clothes from across the room. ;)

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dh was allergic to every brand on the markets, had been having problems since high school (at one point he was told it was a STD, which he *knew* he didn't have!). He used to wake me up in the night scratching with both hands, poor guy.:eek:I started using SA8 and other Amway laundry products when I started doing the baby's diapers, because a friend had told me the products were good, and whaddaya know--dh's rash cleared up.


I now use SA8 Sensitive formula and the all-fabric bleach on his underwear and he's fine. His other clothing I can use the "regular" SA8. Also, he can't use any other brand of bath soap or deoderant.


It isn't worth it to me to experiment with homemade laundry detergent or any other store-bought brand. I have found what works and I'm sticking to it :-)

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