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Do your DC associate/play/hang out with homeschooled kids of a different method?

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Oh my, I'm in the same situation here - most of the local homeschoolers we've met are unschoolers (and very, very relaxed unschoolers at that) & are quite vocal & almost pushy about the "superiority" of their method. Any new homeschoolers that join the group are set upon immediately as potential converts. In fact, we've only been on one outing with them because of this (when they found out that we actually use curriculum, they just clucked about how "new" I was at this, LOL).



This has been my experience several times. One mom proudly announced how inclusive her group was .... right before she pounced on several people who used curriculum.


Fortunately, most of the time we mix and match with all kinds of homeschoolers. We don't "segregate" based on philosophy or religion, but we do back away from a group or individuals who are aggressively promoting their agenda with little to no regard for our ability to freely choose what works for our family. :001_huh:


:lol: at the similarity with dc. Mine might be voting for the all-day-video curriculum too, if the option existed.

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Do I allow my kids to associate with homeschooled kids of a different method?




We made a decision as a family many years ago that we would simply NEVER allow our children to be exposed to ANYONE who doesn't use the WTM!!!


How horrifying to even consider!!




































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LOL I meant statement of faith. It was funny, but I can't take credit for it being on purpose. I don't know what I typed that... maybe because faith and math both end in 'th' ? LOL I really don't know. lol I did edit.


But I agree...people have very strong feeling about math curric...:)



Library Lover, "signing statements of math"? That is hilarious!


I never thought about it before, but it does seem like people have almost religious beliefs about math instruction. Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time figuring out which math is "right" over on the high school board!

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LOL I meant statement of faith. It was funny, but I can't take credit for it being on purpose. I don't know what I typed that... maybe because faith and math both end in 'th' ? LOL I really don't know. lol I did edit.


But I agree...people have very strong feeling about math curric...:)


The fact that this was a Freudian slip almost makes it funnier...!! When I first read "statement of math" yesterday, I just figured it was the latest trend in homeschooling and that I'd probably be confronted with it soon. :tongue_smilie:

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