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Middle school science-old earth/young earth?


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Can any one help me identify any Christian young earth and old earth science texts? I know Apologia is young earth. What else is there? We want our kids science to acknowlegde God as the creator and reflect our Christian beliefs. We want them to be aware of young earth and old earth positions, as well as expose them to the theory of evolution.


I am seeing the importance of this, especially since I have been taking a Naturalist class. Every week evolution is hammered into the presentation.:eek:


thanks for your help



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Am I going to find a mostly young Earth programs? I would like to find an old earth viewpoint if possible.







Yes - all the Christian publishers that I am aware of are 'Young Earthers.' One option would be to use a secular publisher that isn't "preachy" on the Evolution. Prentice Hall, Oak Meadow, and Plato all come to mind. Plato Science is an online, multi-media curriuclum available at the Homeschool Buyers Co-op. In face, I just signed my dd up for the Physical Science software. The discounted price is only available for a few more days, you may want to check it out!


Then bring in your view of how our Creator is in the center of all things, and discuss. Discuss the odds of all of this coming into existence by pure chance. I always wonder where the matter and energy supposedly CAME FROM originally. Anyway, that's my plan at this point!

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Many YE curriculum will also present evolution. My girls, while our family is firmly YE, definitely know more about evolution than their peers (including the arguments for evolution and the points taught in evolution science.) We mostly use a combination of materials from Apologia, BJU, and A Beka for science.


I have not noticed a lot that present OE to that extent. OE seems to be a cross between YE and evolution, so you will have learned most of it already, just add some of the arguments for their case presented by OE scientists (easily available on the internet, I'm sure.) I don't specifically teach OE, I just teach the overview of the position (how it differs from evolution.)

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Apologia General Science, gives some very good descriptions of the major theories, along with the evidences for, and problems of each. It was actually from Apologia that I learned of the existence of limestone being a "problem" for the young earth view. I highly recommend Apologia for Christians who want to be well-equipped for life.

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