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Those with middle and/or high school *and* little ones...

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Do you still do fun days?


I used to regularly take the kids on fun outings during the week- museums, parks, the beach, a hike, etc.


I'm finding that with my oldest's work load (Apologia GS and TOG) I have *NO* time. We struggle to get it all done by friday.


I'm sure this is only going to get harder as my oldest enters high school. I don't want my younger kids to miss out on those great "close-the-books-we're-going-to-the-beach" days.


How do you deal with this?



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When I had middle school and little ones at home, the older kids brought their books to the beach. :) The girls (then 6th and 8th) would read in the car, finish while we played and still get some play time themselves. We quickly identified what work is portable and what isn't. They would also sometimes, given a choice, rather just go hiking or to the beach and do their schoolwork in the evening as "homework." Their reasoning was that they'd have been doing homework anyway if they were attending public school, and that after they'd been at school all day.


One of the reasons we homeschool is for the flexibility this lifestyle offers. :) They enjoy attending public school, but both have mentioned that they miss the get-up-and-go parts of our days at home.



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We don't do as many as we used to, but for me, part of that is just that it's exhausting to drag all the littles out now that there are so many of us :) Sometimes my oldest two will choose to stay home and continue their schoolwork if it is something they are not really interested in. Sometimes they make the choice to go, understanding that they will either do the work in the evenings or on the weekend to make up (especially in science or math).

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We find ourselves missing the fun stuff, or scheduling it into the week, as opposed to being spontaneous. It doesn't help that last year was way over scheduled and we were doing good to get the basics. We cut way back this year, but still have not much interest in going any where except to Grandma's.

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Sometimes ds goes with us and sometimes he doesn't. He stays home and does his work. Then I plan a special day with just him that is more age/interest apprpriate.


The littles like to spend a day at the zoo or OMSI. He has done that type of thing sooo much that he would rather wait and go to do something else.


Ds swims in the evening and on Saturday morning. So if he misses class time during the week, he has to make it up on Sunday, which makes him feel like he didn't get a day off during the week.


Two weeks ago he skipped a Thursday of school to go snowboarding with just him and dad. A couple of months ago, he and I spent an afternoon at the art museum (everyone usually goes but he wanted a solo trip). I aim for a day off a month, but it doesn't always work out that way.

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We don't do as many outings as we used to. It just seems like it takes sooooooooo long to get everybody in the car! I know that probably sounds like a cop-out, but I'm usually exhausted by the time we are pulling out of the driveway! I feel guilty because my little kids are not getting to go to the park etc. as much as my older ones did at that age. I guess I need to start making more of an effort to go on "fun days" more often, even if it means bringing school with us.

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We do them rarely enough that it's no big deal for the older ones to have the occasional day off to enjoy the zoo or whatever with us--although I give them the choice and if they stay home they have to at least complete the basics (math, english, etc.)--and often enough that I feel like I'm not a dull mom or teacher. lol


It is hard, though. I'd say we get out for an activity once a month or even once every other month. And I spend time with the kids individually in the evenings, at least one child per week even if it's just to hang out and do grocery shopping or a trip to the library together. This is during the main part of our school year; we do less school and a bit more activity/fun in the summer. :)

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