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Where to buy heirloom seeds?

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This is my first year having a vegetable garden (thanks to the Square Foot Gardening book I think I might actually be able to do this without killing everything!).


Where can I buy heirloom seeds? I googled this but was overwhelmed with the thousands of online options.


I'd love your recommendations ... and hopefully a place that ships quickly. :)



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Just a note: try to find a company that grows their seed somewhere in your region. Let me just say from experience that it is very disappointing to buy some beautiful seeds, eagerly anticipate their planting and growth, only to find that the plants do not fare well in your climate, region, soil or what-have-you.

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Just a note: try to find a company that grows their seed somewhere in your region. Let me just say from experience that it is very disappointing to buy some beautiful seeds, eagerly anticipate their planting and growth, only to find that the plants do not fare well in your climate, region, soil or what-have-you.


Wow--I hadn't thought of that. That is good advice.

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