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Do you do scored tests in your curriculum (4th grade)? NOT Standardized tests...

A.J. at J.A.

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Okay, I overheard someone from the private school talking about how tough their kiddo's 4th grade is...they have reports and written tests and tons of homework. It made me wonder if I'm making it too easy for my guy. I don't put a grade on things, he does the work, I check it, and he makes corrections as needed. We are shooting for mastery, not a grade.


So, am I going to easy on him? Should I be worried more about setting up a test schedule? More detailed assignments? I just don't know. If you have suggestions and links to resources, I'd greatly appreciate it.


I guess, I don't want to be going so easy on him (with no grades & no official tests) that he would be ill-prepared later on - although we plan on homeschooling him through HS.


Note: He took standardized tests last year for 3rd grade and he scored in the 90th percentile or above on everything, so I'm confident he's learning.


I can't wait for the new Well-Trained Mind book to come out, I need to read it and get up to speed on the logic stage.




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We do the same here, actually for fourth grade. I do "grade" spelling tests and Math tests. For those, I just figure out the % he got right. For the other subjcts, we do what you do: ds does the work and we go over it and correct it. I found a set of "quizzes" for our science curriculum, but we do them together, open book.


You're not alone though. I often wonder if I'm being too soft on my little guy! LOL



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I don't actually test until high school (or at least 8th grade). I do give the tests in Saxon Math and make her take them without looking back in her book, but we then correct them like her daily work and I don't put a grade on it.


This has worked with all my kids so far. I have one working on his masters in EE with a 3.9 ungrad GPA and one who is getting her associates degree this year who has a 4.0 GPA.


I don't think no tesing in grade 4 will harm them at all.



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OK, my child's a sixth-grader, but she always does tests. She does the Rod & Staff English tests, the Dolciani Pre-Algebra tests, the BJU science tests, and so on. I write tests for the Guerber history books (actually, I'm re-using the tests I wrote years ago for my older child on the same material).


She has to make a 90 or above on the chapter tests in order for us to go on. Anything less than 90 is a failing grade, and the material has to be repeated. Thankfully, that very rarely happens.


I really like having her take tests. It gives her a chance to review material and provides closure.

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My children are 2nd and 4th. They love tests. They study hard! They really want to have good scores to show Dad. I grade weekly quizzes and tests - with a red pen. :) And score. 95% A etc.

CLE Math, CLE LA, and Reading

CLP Spelling


Science notebook review sheets, books reports, dictations, Vocab tests, other workbooks are checked with a red pen, but I don't grade them. We go over everything they miss, and they rewrite if necessary.

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Not really. I did when we were doing Calvert. I grade all of his math stuff - sort of. By grade, I mean I see how many he missed and that gives me an idea of how well he understands it. We go back and do reviews and I grade-ish those too. Again, just how many he missed= is he getting it? But I don't really issue grade cards, and I know what he knows, so I feel no need for "grades." It feels too public school to me.

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Testing is one method of evaluation - a quick one when needing to evaluate a number of people.


However, since I am doing individualized instruction, I am able to do individualized evaluation as well, in very little time.


I don't mind if my dc do not understand what an "A" is on a test - and yes, this has come up for my oldest. I encourage them to do their best and to master the concepts, not to be in a contest to see who can do better than another. To me, there will more than enough time later for competition.

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My son is in 4th and we mostly do what you do. I use the Chapter Reviews in GWG as "tests" and if he gets less than 85% correct we go back and recover things from that chapter (this hasn't been an issue so far) I use the items labeled Quizes in TT math as his "tests" and same as above if he got less than an 85% we'd back up a bit for a while although it hasn't been an issue. I was grading but after some thought the last few weeks it just seemed ridiculous to "grade" things if I'm the only one seeing said grades. I do always check them over and we always go over and correct things that were incorrect, but I've decided to give up on grades until HS for now. I may re-evaluate as the times change. We also give standardized test as required by state law, and since they are the only things my state cares about and my kids have scored in the 7-9th percentile across the board (the state requires 4th or better) I think not grading is fine.

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