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Minimus or Prima Latina for dd8?


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I have looked at both the Minimus and Prima Latina websites and am not sure which direction to go. Minimus looked cute, but I didn't find a good description of the skills covered. While Prima Latina looked very comprehensive and appropriately paced for a young child, would it be ... boring, compared to Minimus?


Sorry if this is an unfair representation of the programs. It is just what I was able to pick up from the websites. Could anyone who has used either program tell me a little more? Thanks so much!

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We have used Prima Latina and then go onto LC 1 and LC 2.

My dc have never found it boring. My two who have used it are ds who is not strong in anything that involves writing, remembering vocab, grammar etc, and dd who happily writes, remembers vocab, finds grammar a breeze, etc. They both used this program with equal success.


We use the DVD's, while helpful, it is not essential for PL. The DVDs were perhaps most useful for ds who is an auditory learner, but dd would have managed quite fine without them.


My dc and I really enjoy the prayers and hymns. We listen to the on the CD quite often. Very pleasant.

Both are enjoying their growing latin skills, and coming across Latin derivatives in everyday language, incl ds despite his being not so strong in grammar.

We are happy with this program, so we have never looked into any other latin program.

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We're adding in Minimus to LC1 with my 3rd grade son this year. I think it has been good b/c he has already been introduced to some of the grammar forms in LC1. I think the Minimus/MP combo is a good one - the Minimus adds in more reading and cultural info. And it is fun. :)


I think you could just start with LC1 with your 3rd grader, esp. if you go slow - you could take 3 years to do LC1 and LC2 adding in Minimus.

Edited by sandra in va
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Guest sunshine2

anyone have a minimus teacher guide for sale? Just got the book for my 12 yo & there is no english translation. can't see the point in paying lots for a teacher guide that is geared toward little ones. I got it as a reader. Have decided to go with Getting started with Latin by Wm. Linney. I am impressed. My son is catching on quickly & enjoys it. All the lessons are in a paperback book to purchase $17), but all the lessons & audio are available for free downloads.

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