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What did you use after 100 EZ Lessons?

Michelle My Bell

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We used some of the books listed in the back of 100 EZ lessons , Bob books, lots of easy reader books from the library and then we moved to some of the books listed in VP First Favorites such as Caps for Sale, If you give a Mouse a cookie, Blueberries for Sal, Harry the Dirty Dog. This progression has really built reading confidence and comprehension for my DS.


It is such fun to share with them as they build their love of reading. We also did lots of shared reading as we started books (I read a page then he read a page) so he didn't get frustrated.


Enjoy this special time with your child!

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We started with Bob books, went to I Can Read it! books (Sonlight sells this), and then the fox ones and owl books. Then we went to Magic Treehouse books and The Boxcar Children. Some find Magic Treehouse to be twaddle, but I find it a good stepping stone for some kids. I want my kids to like reading and enjoy it. Too many dry readers can make reading a chore. I try to bait the hook and it's worked marvelously. All my kids read voraciously.

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We did all of the Bob books, then went to simple Dr. Seuss and P.D. Eastman (such as Go, Dog, Go, and One Fish, Two Fish, etc.). We also did the Elson Primer and Free and Treadwell First Reader. Then, Little Bear and Syd Hoff books (the Syd Hoff books are so cute and funny -- they had my dd giggling and then asking for more "Hoff books"). After that, books like Frog and Toad, Owl at Home, Uncle Elephant, and the Henry and Mudge books were great. I've heard the George and Martha books are also cute, but I couldn't find them at our library or local bookstores, so I never got around to those.


After that, we went through the Amelia Bedelias and Cam Jansen stories. Then, my dd and I "buddy read" the first Magic Treehouse book, and that was it. My little reader became a "voracious" reader -- she devoured every Magic Treehouse book she could get her hands on, and now spends 30-60 minutes a day reading. (Boxcar children, American Girl books, Jenny and the Cat Club, Princess Ellie series, Meg Mackintosh series.

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