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Has anyone used the History Portfolio series from Homeschool Journey?


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I haven't used these because I had found these first:



I love the way the History Portfolio's are packaged and they seem to be quite similar to the History Scribe in concept. Based on that I would say they would be a great resource. We like History Scribe, but if I had found History Portfolio first I am sure I would have purchased them instead!

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We just started using the ancient history one this school year. It is made of high quality materials-vinyl covered front and back hard covers and cardstock pages. We use it in conjunction with SOTW. The pages do not match up perfectly with SOTW, but I've been able to use it just fine. There are maps included and we have also glued in some from SOTW. There is a nice timeline in the back, ideas for narrations and reports and book recommedations. I plan to use the series as we progress through the history cycle for the second time. I will add that my younger daughter enjoys the open space available for drawing more than my older daughter. I think this is due more to the fact that she enjoys art more than my older dd. If you have a reluctant artist, you can use photocopied artwork to color, or pictures. We visited an art museum that had a special exhibit on Assyrian art. The pictures in the brochure fit perfectly on the pages. If you like notebooking, I think you'll enjoy this.

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Thank you both!


It looked like something we would enjoy. Both my dds, but especially my older dd, loves to be artistic and creative. I thought that since I push her in math, latin, piano and now CW, I could add an enjoyable outlet for her. I like the history and the nature portfolios.



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I love them - though I found that the regular ones are going to be more appropriate this next year when my son is in 5th grade (I think I tried to do them too early - and she did not have the Junior version out at the time). We just started the nature portfolios, they are really neat, and I am considering using the History ones this fall with a co-op.

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