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zaner bloser


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This is totally a matter of opinion and if you like ZB go for it!


I found in our personal experience that the ZB that I grew up with was too cumbersome, difficult that is, and didn't make sense in terms of some upper case (and lower) letters. I don't like how cursive Z's, G's, B's, P's, Q's etc don't look like their printed counterparts. Many people like it tho for it's old fashioned quality.


I found that Getty Dubay was beautiful to look at and transitioned very easily from printed to cursive. The only thing negative I can think of is that, at times, one has to lift the pencil more than you do with ZB. ZB is more continuously fluid if that makes sense.


My dd11 doesn't have the best penmenship and GB seems to work very well for her. Especially in the last couple months she's taken off with it and made it "her own"!


I'm sure, however, you will get some ZB fans here!

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We are using 4th grade cursive, 1st grade printing, and 2nd grade cursive. This is our second year using it, and I haven't heard any complaints so far! I don't use the t.m. The cursive looks nice and the pictures are easy on the eye. Have you looked at the sample pages on their website? I have been thinking about trying SmithHand, or Spencerian Cursive next year just to bump it up a notch. Most likely my girls would want Z.B. back:)

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I have really enjoyed ZB and I have seen great improvements in handwriting. I also enjoy using their fonts online to print out copywork etc.


We have just finished up first grade and will be starting 2c shortly. May I ask you how many pages you have your dc complete in one setting? Or time per week? I know it is child dependent, I am just trying to plan the transition to cursive so that it will not be too much new material at once. (even though both dc ask every day if we can begin cursive!)



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I have really enjoyed ZB and I have seen great improvements in handwriting. I also enjoy using their fonts online to print out copywork etc.


We have just finished up first grade and will be starting 2c shortly. May I ask you how many pages you have your dc complete in one setting? Or time per week? I know it is child dependent, I am just trying to plan the transition to cursive so that it will not be too much new material at once. (even though both dc ask every day if we can begin cursive!)




I have my son do 2 pages at one setting. This is very manageable. He'll often do more on his own. Some weeks we do handwriting every day. Other weeks we do it three times. I can't believe how nice he can write his name in cursive. He just loves cursive.


Even though he's doing 3rd grade I put him in 2C because he hadn't done much handwriting during 2nd grade in private school and his printing was horrible. I felt we needed to go over manuscript before moving into cursive. I just wish I would have found this at the beginning of the school year and not around November!


Oh, and whoever asked, the only place I could find to buy this was at ZB though I did find next year's book for the two youngest on the For Sale board here!

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When buying from their site, be sure to mention that you are a homeschooler, as you won't have to pay the extra fee charged to "non-school" buyers. Also, even though their site says shipping is a minimum of $5, that hasn't applied to any of my orders. I've ordered from ZB several times and am only charged the actual shipping, which is usually a dollar or so. I've been very pleased with their service.

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I love zaner-bloser! It is neat, clean, and simple. I don't buy their curriculum as there is so much to print for free from the internet. The best place I found is on the zaner-bloser website . Their Fonts Online tool that lets you make any sort of copy page you could think of (even just blank zb paper). Click on Get Started, a window will pop up, and you can choose grade level (changes the size of the lines), Manuscript or Cursive, and what kind of sheet you want to print. After you click the page, you can click on any line and type what you want for copywork. I think this is very helpful, as you can include work that is pertinant to what you are currently studying in history or science.


HTH :)

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