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What are your favorite books on frugality?

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Not economic books or how to get out of debt books but how to live on hardly anything type books.


Mine are:


The Tightwad Gazette series


and the


Reader's Digest Back to Basics book


I have to go make dinner now but will be back later to read everyone's responses.....

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I like the More with Less cook book. I know it isn't exactly what you were asking, but it has how to cook lots of basic things from scratch in it, so you don't need to buy as much processed stuff.


I like and have that book too!


I also have an old Better Homes and Garden Cookbook that has tons of recipes made from 'true' scratch. Unlike many of the recipe books of today that call for prepackaged things to be added. i.e package crescent rolls, bisquick, etc.


I would love to find an old 50s (?? was it printed in the 50s?) or 60s version of a Betty Crocker Cookbook.

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There is no bright line between frugality and simplicity and organization for me. They are so intertwined that you pull on one thread and another unravels.


With that in mind, my top three are


- Tightwad Gazette, Amy Dycyzyn


- Confessions of an Organized Homemaker, Deniece Schofield


- Simplify Your Life, Elaine St. James

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Your Money or Your Life




ETA: Some might call this an economic book, but it has done more than any others to help me focus on how I live - not just how I spend.



This was the first book I read that discussed money from a psychological view point rather than a mathematical one. I could finally see why all the budgeting and money tracking systems weren't helping me. While it doesn't have money saving tips or recipes it really opened my eyes about where my budget leaks were.

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Honestly, I saved my money and didn't buy a book on this topic. The web has plenty of advice....free!


That is true about everything! I saw a book called Preschool Art at Borders and thought, "Oh, I really want this!" and then I realized that I could find a million preschool activities for free online.

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Honestly, I saved my money and didn't buy a book on this topic. The web has plenty of advice....free!


LOL! My frugal books were purchased long before the web was ever invented. Matter of fact...I think computers were still taking up entire rooms back then. :D


To me, a book in the hand is better than many hours of 'googling'. ;)


and having a satellite connection with download restrictions (I wish we could watch Youtube how to's without being punished) is just the pits..... but better than nothing at all.

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