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World Geography/Cultures for 9th grade?

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I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I want a program that covers geography -- emphasis on cultural and political geography, not so much physical geography.


As far as format, I LOVE the way the Notgrass history books are laid out.


I would consider a "living books" approach, if it was limited pretty much to one or two books at a time, with a clear, easy to follow schedule. And worksheets or something to go with it.


I am not looking for the most rigorous program, or the one that will require heaps of memorization, etc.


Christian world-view is fine, as long as it isn't preachy or obnoxious, or assumes that America is God's chosen country and the rest of the world revolves around the US. Secular world-view is fine, as long as it doesn't respect every religion *except* for Christianity.

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British materials?





You can search inside the book for the table of contents, etc. I think this is about 10th or 11th grade, but someone from the UK would know better. I get my books used from an international school here in Switzerland.


It is not nearly as culturally interesting as the ones in French but I find it better than the US materials that I have seen - BUT I have not seen most of the materials already posted!


they use this in 8-9th grade at the international school here.




You can have the UK items sent to the US...




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Oooh, you all are giving me such great ideas.


I'm starting to think of two semesters of Geography -- one semester of cultural geography and one of environmental geography. I think we could do environmental geography instead of environmental science, although I imagine there is a lot of overlap.


Our church is very involved with some international college student programs, maybe we could get involved with that next year, along the "exchange student" line of thinking!

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