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Need your opinion about the Suze Ormon Show....

Would you consider The Suze Orman Show primarily a news program?  

  1. 1. Would you consider The Suze Orman Show primarily a news program?

    • Yes
    • No

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Okay, weird, off-beat question of the day:


I administer an adult education program that is an alternative to the GED. One of the competencies students must demonstrate is the analysis of two different media covering the same topic of national significance. The examples give for this task are shows like 60 Minutes, Macneil-Leherer Report, Face the Nation, etc. They must watch an episode and contrast it with a similar story from a newspaper about the same topic.



I"m reviewing a portfolio wherein a student used an episode of The Suze Orman (Ormon?) show for the television news portion of their project. I'm really unfamiliar with this show--- I think she's a woman who gives financial advice? But I know some of you here have discussed it in the past.


Would you consider The Suze Orman (sp?) show a news broadcast?


I"m thinking NO, but since I"ve watched exactly zero minutes of it, I'm certainly not qualified to make that call.


Please? Opinions?

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Ok, it's clearly *not* a show that's exclusively news, but I think there's a little wiggle room depending on the main thrust of the assignment.


If the point was to compare/contrast two knowledgable viewpoints from the media, I think Suze includes enough commentary on current topics to be considered a media source of information.


If the point was to explore the journalistic/media aspect of fact-based(and theoretically unbiased) coverage, then no, her show is not presented as a news show, but more of a self-help, in spite of her commentary on relevant current events.

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