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How do you cope with chronic stress or tension?

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Do you have any good coping mechanisms to share? Any ways you talk yourself down so it doesn't take over your whole life? Any ways you treat yourself specially or care for yourself to relax (because, well, eating is probably not the most effective way, unfortunately!)?


Without going into too much detail, basically, my job has become incredibly stressful, and there's not a thing I can do about it except find a way to deal. I've gone back to my regular 30 hours (back down from the 40-50 I was working at the end of 2008), but the 30 hours is just so awful, so painfully, laughably detail-oriented, that I can hardly cope. And I no longer have the flexibility I once had in terms of my schedule, so the fact that my "workdays" bleed into other parts of the day (as they always have) is causing me extra worry each day. Basically, I'm being monitored at all times, and that's difficult.


Anyway, if anyone has any advice on self-care and stress management, I'd love to hear it. I knew things were going to be difficult with this new company, but I wasn't really prepared for just how difficult they would be :glare: The irony is that I thought my job was stressful before. Ha! I had no idea how good I had it :rolleyes:



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I have to take a step, close my eyes and take several deep breaths. I exercise now daily and that helps. It sounds soooo stupid...but I repeat stupid sayings in my head...you are calm, relaxed etc...I know that is dumb but I think you can psch your brain to believing you are relaxed.


I listen to relaxing music, make sure to make myself smile or laugh (even at nothing) and stay away from the computer if possible.

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I just wanted to say :grouphug:

We are really living in very difficult times, and a bad work atmosphere can feel like trying to breathe while under water.

What do I do?

First if you are spiritually inclined I suggest prayer, daily bible reading.

If not , I would suggest something like pilates for stretching your muscles to release the tension. Muscle tension will only aggravate your problems.


When my dh was in a very hostile work situation, he found that leaving on his lunch break and just walking helped him deal with it. He took extra pair of comfortable shoes and walked, and this was in a busy downtown not really great for walking,but just the exercise and time away from the work situation helped.


Classical music: it is very calming


Herbs: Valerian is calming, and can help you sleep as can Melatonin


I really think that if you can take any of your breaks and walk outside the building, just to get away from the situation, even for 5 minutes, can go a long way towards helping you destress. Use this time to stretch your muscles, take some deep breaths, etc. Do you have a favorite funky song you like? Maybe once a day you could listen to your favorite song just for a pick me up.


And if you have a friend who will listen to you, talk to your friends so you don't carry this burden all alone. Talking can really help deal with stress :001_smile:

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I add traumalife essential oil to some lotion. About 5 drops will do my whole body. The next day I feel like I had a massage.


Exercise that involves dancing (I am not a dancer! Not in public! And I am incredibly out of shape... not the workout type.), like the Masala Bhangra workout.


Any hot drink will force you to slow down if you have it at break. Tea is best.

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