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Vocabulary program for 4yo?


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Dh would really like me to find something for our 4yo, who has an amazing memory. What I've been doing is read to her lots, which teaches her new words as we go. I've also started FLL1 and she's memorizing the poems.


He likes to introduce a new word to her, give her a definition, and see if she remembers it later (which she almost always does). So I guess what he wants is a word-of-the-day/week sort of deal. I'm thinking some sort of flashcard program?


Maybe I should have him make a list of words from the dictionary that he wants her learn and put them on flashcards.... I don't really see the point, but I told him I'd look into it. :)

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If you just want a memory system, purchase the Classical Conversations' program and do what you want out of it. (or join a Classical Conversations' weekly program...you go half a day...once a week:-) ClassicalConversations.com

Anyway, you can purchase it yourself and do what you want out of it. You would buy the book...when the revised one is out...(or now for savings...and correct the mistakes...which they will let you know about) You can do the history sentence and the Veritas Press cards which they memorize Chronologically....

It is amazing to hear my son...when someone mentions the Declaration of Independence...tell them about it. OR sing about the other sentences like the Monroe Doctrine.

He has everything in the book memorized...the rest of us are still trying:-)

The book is about $25-$50 (depending on new...or old:-) and the cd is $30....(or you can join right now for $27.00 for a month and download the cd memory work off there....If you need a code pm me and I'll let you know....) There's alot of info on the C3 community...where you'd join for the $27. There's history sentences...you can check out and Science memory work....a bit of Latin...skip counting math...and so much more.....

Anyway, maybe more practical than just a vocabulary word... (And, no reading necessary)


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I've been using Word a Day Primary Grades 1-3 with my son. I introduce one word per week. It is all oral. I introduce the word and then use it during the week. He remembers everything we've learned in past weeks and uses the new vocabulary himself. Our favorite around here has been "rambunctious". I've also been making refrigerator magnets for each new word. I glue foam crafts letters onto an old file folder that has been cut to size. Then I glue magnet pieces on the back.


You can view the book on Google books

Word A Day

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Personally, I wouldn't do anything formal. Most 4-yr-olds soak up information and vocabulary like a sponge; even more so if you enrich their environment with lots of conversation, read alouds, and enrichment like attending concerts and plays.


When I plan anything for school, I always try to think about not only what content they will learn but what message will be sent. Sometimes, a negative message is obvious, such as with an inappropriate (for your family) book.


Sometimes, it is more subtle, and I think that's the case here. To me, starting her on a vocabulary 'program' at 4 sends the message that flashcards and workbooks are more valuable than discussion, reading, and living life.


Certainly, there may come a point when a formal program is helpful or even required. But your dd sounds like she is learning very well, in the best manner possible. I wouldn't mess with that.


Perhaps you could show dh references to the best way preschoolers learn? in a very positive way: 'look, honey, I was looking into vocab programs, and found out we are ALREADY doing all the right things. go, us!'

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