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Chocolate and hormones. Do you really think there is a connection?

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It's just that I've consumed an entire bag of Hershey's kisses. And a bar. I'm under my "ideal" body weight, but good heavens, I am sucking the chocolate down. Could this be a (gasp) peri-menopausal thing? It is that time of the month. But still. I'm beginning to be concerned. I am usually happy with a salad. What is wrong with me?


Ria (who even brought an apple to work for lunch but chose the kisses instead. ..) And for what it's worth, I'm 5'5 and weigh 125. And I'm almost 46.

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Wait--is this a chocolate advertisement? Because I've walked past dh's secret stash* 3 times tonight. Without. even. looking.


*Where he who is allergic hides chocolate to offer me when it becomes emotionally necessary. Which is to say, it's there for me in the first place. And it has been resisted......:leaving:

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Magnesium? Seriously?

Why didn't someone tell me this 15 pounds ago?


I am off to research this...thanks for the heads up!


My dh glances at the calendar every month when I whip out a bowl and start making brownies from scratch.


I've never doubted the hormonal connection, and would love to find a lower calorie solution.

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There is more than magnesium. I got some raw cocoa hoping it will help me kick my chocolate cravings. cacao.jpg

Eat cacao beans

As well as antioxidants the beans are rich in feel good factor chemicals dopamine and tryptophan.


What are they rich in? Dopamine - a neurotransmitter involved in motor control and feelings of motivation.

So chocolate is like a natural antidepressant. But raw cocoa should be much more powerful than the typical chocolate, and it can be prepared with less fat and sugar.
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There is more than magnesium. I got some raw cocoa hoping it will help me kick my chocolate cravings. cacao.jpg So chocolate is like a natural antidepressant. But raw cocoa should be much more powerful than the typical chocolate, and it can be prepared with less fat and sugar.



That explains a lot. I have battled depression for years (postpartum and seasonal) it explains why my body practically screams for chocolate to help me cope at times.

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I really need the dopamine but antidepressants have all given me side effects. So I am hoping this works. I am on day 2 of drinking as many chocolate smoothies as I can. The raw cocoa powder dose for depression ranges from 1-3 T a day. (I don't remember where I found that.) It is actually quite hard to get that much in. I also have Vit D and Omega 3 supplements that have made a big difference, and I am on thyroid medication, which was just adjusted. I wasn't taking enough. I have always had trouble with motivation though, so I am thinking dopamine is very important for me.

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