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Question for Latina Christiana users...


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I just received LC 1 for my dd next year. I got the student book, TM, CD, vocab cards, and DVD. I was flipping though the student book and noticed that there's only 1 practice sheet per lesson. Is that enough practice (in addition to going through the vocab cards)? Or did you also get Ludere Latine? Have you used Lingua Angelica? Any suggestions?



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My girls did Latina Christiana with my mom and the dvd. Yes, you can do just LCI and LCII and then go into something like Henle (which LLC was designed to flow into...Henle)

My mom had the girls write their words 3 times a week, I think. You can also keep the vocabulary on a ring so that you can go over it when you are somewhere waiting....(like in the grocery line, or whatever)

BUT, I have to say that I wasn't overly diligent, much to my mom frowning at me....and the girls really are fine. They might be better...if I had caused them to be more diligent with studying.

Of course, you need to study for any subject, right?


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Yes, it's enough! We took a little longer to go through the programme, but we completed LCII last year. I was a little concerned, because we didn't 'get' everything that was covered - but, having now started Henle, it's all clicking into place! I'm so glad we worked through Latina Christiana first, it has proved to be an excellent preparation for Henle.

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There's a form on page 17 of the TM for Vocabulary and Grammar drill. They are supposed to complete it 3 days per lesson. Ds improved dramatically when I started using that portion of the lesson. I also have him use the CD 3 times a week. So our Latin lesson looks like this:

Monday: Watch the whole DVD lesson and take notes (about 45 min - 1 hour)

Tuesday: Use CD, Vocab & Grammar Drill

Wednesday: Use CD, Vocab & Grammar Drill

Thursday: Use CD, Vocab & Grammar Drill

Friday: Use CD and fill out worksheet for the lesson.


I don't use the tests because I find them horribly redundant. They are just basically the worksheet again. So you could use the test as another worksheet if you felt your dc needed more practice.

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I found it was only enough if we did tons of oral quizzing on the vocab, declensions and conjugations. (That would be the vocab and grammar drill.) If she knew it all before she did the pages, she was fine. She couldn't do Ludere at all, until after she had learned the material either.


IMHO, you have to do a lot of repetition, whether its written or oral depends on the child's learning style.


(BTW, I found that with Henle too, for me, and I suspect I will find it with almost every other program. Just filling in the blanks is not studying.)

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This is our weekly schedule for LC 1:


Mon. --- Watch DVD lesson; Ludere Latine word search puzzle.

Tue. --- Vocab & grammar drill sheets (from TM); workbook ex. A&B; LL parse strings; listen & recite w/CD; flashcards.

Wed. --- Vocab & grammar drill sheets; workbook ex. C&D; LL half of crossword (not the derivative crossword -- we skip that one); listen & recite w/CD; flashcards.

Thur. --- Vocab & grammar drill sheets; workbook E; LL other half of crossword; listen & recite w/CD; flashcards.

Fri. --- Quiz; sometimes translation worksheet from Memoria Press' website (there's a free download of worksheets someone made up; they're on the LC 1 ordering page).


It looks like a lot when I write it out, but it doesn't take my dd very long to do the daily work -- maybe 15 or 20 minutes, except on Mondays, when the DVD requires a half hour or so. I fast forward through all of the concepts she knows very well at the first part of the DVD lesson, to cut down on the time.


I think it's the daily recitiation/drill that helps with memorization.


I just received LC 1 for my dd next year. I got the student book, TM, CD, vocab cards, and DVD. I was flipping though the student book and noticed that there's only 1 practice sheet per lesson. Is that enough practice (in addition to going through the vocab cards)? Or did you also get Ludere Latine? Have you used Lingua Angelica? Any suggestions?



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