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How much R&S grammar is enough?

How much R&S grammar is enough?  

  1. 1. How much R&S grammar is enough?

    • stop after R&S 6th grade grammar
    • stop after R&S 7th grade grammar
    • stop after R&S 8th grade grammar
    • Continue with R&S in 9th to 12th grade grammar
    • other

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We use FLL for grammar in 1st & 2nd grade, then R&S for 3rd-10th grade. After that, my children don't study a formal grammar program, but review it as part of using the study guides for tests such as the PSAT, SAT, CLEP English Composition, and AP English Language & Composition. Not all of my children take all the different tests.


In 9-12th grade, my students also read The Elements of Style by Strunk & White once each year. This book has just a bit of grammar.


Why do we do so much grammar? Both dh & I are from backgrounds where incorrect grammar is used. We feel it's important to improve. The last two R&S books may be overkill for some, but our children need the practice, especially for proper usage of well/good, I/me, and lie/lay.



Edited by MomsintheGarden
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What would you choose for high school review, then?


We'll finish R&S-8 this year, and I've been considering using ABeka for high school because it seems like it would be easier to just "do a few" as review. (And, SWB says you can use the writing exercises and not need an additional writing program.)

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Rod & Staff 5 has more grammar than I was ever taught in school, and I went to a good high school and college!


We have used R&S 7; however, I don't know that all the sentence diagramming, knowing the names of advanced grammar forms, etc. is necessary once the basics are down. I think that in high school, it's important that the student punctuate correctly and that tricky parts of usage are reviewed. It's especially important to review usage that is different than what is spoken in the home. For instance, I catch myself often saying something like, "There's cookies in the pantry" , not because I think that's right, but because I got the "there's" out of my mouth before the next word was in my brain. ( I like Spanish better. The word "hay" means either "There is" or "There are!" ) I've noticed that because my boys hear me say things that way, they don't necessarily recognize that it's wrong in their writing. I also grew up not using the forms of lie and lay correctly. I mostly do now, but it's another type of usage I stress with the kids through grammar. When they are in high school, it's important both for their reading and for their writing to know how to match the subject with the predicate, especially when a prepositional phrase follows the subject. The Blue Book of Grammar is a nice review that isn't overkill.

Edited by Laurie4b
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We did only a little bit of English grammar (maybe some of R&S4?) and then we switched to doing Latin grammar. I have been able to use the Latin terms to correct my children's English papers, and to teach a little French grammar. We haven't needed English grammar.


Ditto here. My son used R&S 3 and a bit of 4, then Winston Grammar. Since then, it's been Latin grammar all the way. I haven't seen the need to do a separate English grammar program. If he didn't understand the grammar, he wouldn't be able to translate the Latin.



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I posted that I would continue through high school with R & S, because that is what I plan to do. DD is just about finished with R & S 7. We started it in 8th grade, and it was a tough place to start this series. I plan to have her complete the remaining 3 books over the next 3 1/2 years, if she can.


Still, I agree that this is more grammar than I ever learned in school! That is one of the reasons she has not moved more quickly. It takes me a while to figure out the answers when she has a question.

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What would you choose for high school review, then?


We'll finish R&S-8 this year, and I've been considering using ABeka for high school because it seems like it would be easier to just "do a few" as review. (And, SWB says you can use the writing exercises and not need an additional writing program.)


the Holt Handbook 6th course in grades 9 & 10 at his private high school.


If I were to teach high school, I would look closely at Analytical Grammar (review part not whole program) or SWB recommendations in TWTM. Abeka could be a good choice for review.

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We'll finish R&S-8 this year, and I've been considering using ABeka for high school...


Yes, this was my plan: finish 8th grade R&S then switch to ABeka. We're mid-way through 7th grade R&S, and it is hard stuff! I just don't know if we can handle another year. I ordered 8th grade ABeka to see how it compares. It looks easy-peasy. So...


Continue with 8th R&S to be complete?

-or- Switch to ABeka and concentrate on writing?

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I gagged on grammar when we got to book 8. LOL! I simply could not make myself correct and go over another book of R&S grammar! So we quit with book 7.


We do a review of grammar in high school, but I don't use R&S.


We will finish book 7 and then we'll review throughout high school. Right now, the plan is to use the R&S Remedial English Worksheets as a review. But that is subject to change...

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My oldest has completed RS 8 and is now working through Analytical Grammar High School Reinforcement books. She does a lesson every other week. The lessons can be a bit of a challenge, but she enjoys them none the less.


There are currently 2 books available (American Authors and British Authors). Shakespeare and World Authors are expected soon. Any book can be used at any time. Once all the books are released my youngest will complete the book that corresponds best with her literature study for that year.





Denise in NE

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Yes, this was my plan: finish 8th grade R&S then switch to ABeka. We're mid-way through 7th grade R&S, and it is hard stuff! I just don't know if we can handle another year. I ordered 8th grade ABeka to see how it compares. It looks easy-peasy. So...


Continue with 8th R&S to be complete?

-or- Switch to ABeka and concentrate on writing?


Yes, I know it's not *really* harder!!!


But, almost everything grammar-wise is review in the 8th grade book (so far!), and my ds is constantly haranging the book with, "Why didn't you just explain it like that last year?!" Seriously.


My plan of action for getting through R&S-7 was to not worry about complete mastery the first time something was introduced (such as Adverb clauses). BUT, I would take the time to re-teach the concept each time it came up in either the Oral or Written Reviews. I made charts of pronouns and verb tenses, and "cheat sheets" for dependent clauses, and let ds use these while doing the exercises. I added the list of subordinating conjunctions to his Latin chants. *Anything* to make it easier, though it was admittedly a hard year!


The writing, OTOH, is very intense in R&S-8. We have covered a 5-paragraph essay (though it wasn't really labeled as such), and my ds is working on his first "really long" paper now (about 15-16 paragraphs). I'm very glad we persevered and we're getting through these type of assignments now. (though, I did skip the last chapter of R&S-7; then, we did the last chapter of R&S-8 at the beginning of this school year).

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We useFLL until 4th. Then 4th -8th, we continue with Rod and Staff and switch to Analytical Grammar through high school.


Doesn't it seem like a step backward to do AG after R&S? Or, do you just use the Review books?


(I'm not being snarky, promise! I just can't imagine going back to subject/verb after R&S-8.)

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My oldest has completed RS 8 and is now working through Analytical Grammar High School Reinforcement books. She does a lesson every other week. The lessons can be a bit of a challenge, but she enjoys them none the less.


There are currently 2 books available (American Authors and British Authors). Shakespeare and World Authors are expected soon. Any book can be used at any time. Once all the books are released my youngest will complete the book that corresponds best with her literature study for that year.





Denise in NE


Just FYI, the Shakespeare book is available now and we should have the World Authors books printed and ready to sell by May.



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This is our current plan - we stopped after completing R&S 8, and after that we study at least a couple standard works each year: The Elements of Style, The Roar on the Other Side (poetry), The Lively Art of Writing, Our Mother Tongue, Style: Ten Lessons on Clarity and Grace, The Art and Craft of Poetry, Eats, Shoots, and Leaves :). We may also do some IEW advanced writing courses. Oh, also Vocabulary from Classical Roots.

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7th grade R&S is much harder than 8th grade!!!...

Yes, I know it's not *really* harder!!!

But, almost everything grammar-wise is review in the 8th grade book (so far!), and my ds is constantly haranging the book with, "Why didn't you just explain it like that last year?!"



That's such good news! We have really worked toward "getting" every concept this year. So, if next year is review/clarification, maybe we can handle it....


My plan of action for getting through R&S-7 was to not worry about complete mastery the first time something was introduced (such as Adverb clauses). BUT, I would take the time to re-teach the concept each time it came up in either the Oral or Written Reviews.




Agreed ~ it really takes those reviews to cement the concepts!

Edited by TMarie
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I have tried to do both Classical Composition and Wordsmith (at different times! LOL) along with R&S Grammar, but never got more than a couple of weeks into it before we went back to straight R&S. My ds likes having *one* book. And, because I re-assign the writing assignments in history (and some extent in science), he gets extra practice that way.


I'm really not well-read enough to have my own opinion! I'm just trusting SWB when she says that R&S is all a middle schooler needs for writing instruction.

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