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What should I make for breakfast?

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I have lots of flour (and other baking stuff: baking powder, soda, salt), about 1/2 cup of sugar, milk, cinnamon sugar mix, 3 eggs and oil. Whatever I make today will be eaten tomorrow also. We get groceries again tomorrow afternoon.


I was thinking muffins but I don't have enough sugar for 2 or 3 batches. Any other suggestions.



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Do you have any granola? I use a recipe from the New England Bakery that only uses 1/4 cup of sugar per dozen. Muffins, that is.


Otherwise, do you have brown sugar? I would just use that to offset the discrepancy in the sugar you have for doubling the batch.


You could make scones. They don't take a lot of sugar. Hmmm... now I have to decide what to make for breakfast.


ETA: Oh, duh. Pancakes! I usually make a double batch and heat the leftovers the next morning.

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