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We are considering putting dd into a private school for children w/ LD's...

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I feel like we're just spinning our wheels. Like she's beyond my help or I'm just not what she needs. I don't know. We're going to look into it. They have a six week 4 hour/day summer program. We may start there. Cost is a factor. I'll have to go back to work pt to pay for it. I think it's around $8000/year. If you are given to prayer, pray we'll make the right decision for our child. She has dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Maybe add.



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I am so right there with you. While it's taken some trial and error, we've made tremendous headway....but I'm sick of every reasonable request being met with 'i hate this' 'i don't want to do math' 'no more fractions' 'can we skip reading today'....but it's with tremendous tears and tantrums...whining, yelling, screaming. I am SO OVER IT.


There is one school here in Atlanta that would fit really perfectly.....and I am so tempted.




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Does it have to be a choice between sending her to school and keeping her home? There must be some in-between options for you out there.


My ds did very well going to a private tutor for a year in middle school for a few subjects and educational therapy. It was expensive, but not nearly as expensive as a private school. The benefit was that he had someone else to answer to, and that someone else had the training to deal with his specific learning disabilities. It also allowed us a chance to just be mom and son, and the rest of our homeschooling could be the fun stuff -- reading aloud together, doing field trips or whatever.


I later enrolled him in a public charter school that caters to homeschoolers. Again, he has someone else to answer to, optional classes that meet twice a week.


Keep poking around for options as there may be something that fits your situation better.

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I have no plans to put her into ps. She gets upset easily and would probably be picked on. She can be really sweet, but when kids see that they can upset her they do it on purpose. I thought she would be w/ other kids like her in a very small classroom setting w/ prof.'s who know what they're doing. As opposed to me, who does not know what I'm doing. I'm tired of fighting w/ her and getting nowhere. Who's to say that I am the best person to teach her? It sure doesn't feel like it or look like it. She's getting older, almost 12. We have to think of her future. I don't know. Dh and I argued about it last night. I'm sick of the whole thing really. Life's not fair and sometimes it just gets to me. Other people don't give d$#n about their kids and get perfectly healty, normal kids. We sacrifice constantly and for what? I'm sick of it for us and her. It's just not right. Of course, lots of things are not right in this world. That bothers me too. This is just more personal.


Everything you read on here to help SN kids requires alot of money. Vision therapy, OT, PT, special curriculum, ect. We can't do that unless I work. If I'm working she needs to be in school. She's very islolated. I feel like I'm ruining her life.



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I have 1 ds in a private school for autistic kids and I hs 1 high-functioning autistic boy and 1 neurologically typical girl, so I straddle this issue. In my case there is no way I could hs the oldest. I just don't have the patience and endurance to do the 1 on 1 table time and then do second shift as mom. It's outrageously expensive to send him to private school, but it's worth it to us to have him in a good environment where he will be pushed to achieve everything he can. I'd love to be able to use public school, but I'm not willing to send him to an inferior program while we're able to afford his private school.


OTOH, there just isn't a good fit for my HFA ds. Ps is out after a very bad PK experience and seeing how other kids have fared. We don't live near any private school that specializes in HFA/Asperger's kids. So hsing is our best solution. We deal with the tantrums and screaming, but I've gotten used to it and just keep right on going. I'm lucky that he loves his outside classes and Sonlight so there are high points to our day and it's not just slogging through addition facts and phonics. I do outsource part of his school to an ABA trainer so that he has to generalize academic skills. If there was a ps as good as ds1's that ds2 could attend, I'd be tempted too.


You sound like you've given this a lot of thought and giving it a trial run in the summer session will help you reach a final decision. If the school doesn't work out, hsing will be much easier. Not the everyday grind part, but the "Am I ruining my child?" part will disappear. Once you've explored all your options and picked the best, a lot of stress will be eliminated for you. For us, hsing isn't perfect, but it's definitely the best choice for 2 of my kids. There's absolutely no question about that and I don't have to worry about what else I could have done.

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I actually work for a similar school and if it is anything like the one I work for I can only imagine it will be a good experience.


I agree with the poster about the trial run -- that will give you a great opportunity to see what the school is really like and you can decide if it will fit your family's needs.


Good luck.

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Does it have to be a choice between sending her to school and keeping her home? There must be some in-between options for you out there.


My ds did very well going to a private tutor for a year in middle school for a few subjects and educational therapy. It was expensive, but not nearly as expensive as a private school.


Where we live, doing tutoring did/does cost us as much as private school. When dd was in school, it was 12,500/yr. When she was getting tutoring last year it was $180-$270/week for the reading specialist, plus the cost of the classes she loves to take in our homeschool group ($1800/yr), plus the cost of field trips, curriculum etc.....for awhile, it was actually MORE than private school!!


Tutoring here in Atlanta is very expensive. It tends to run about $50-90 per hour. Our reading tutor was $90/hr.


Now I'm the reading tutor:) But she probably will go to school soon.....only because there is a really great option close by.




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