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vinyl lettering for walls? Need scripture or quote for schoolroom office.

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Has anyone used these? If so, was it easy? Where did you purchase? And what saying/scripture/quote, etc. did you use?


I would like to have something like this on the wall of our schoolroom/office. I don't want it *too* schoolish since the room serves two purposes. I want to use the vinyl lettering that is available now, but I sure would like to hear from someone who has actually done this before I take the plunge.



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Am I allowed to say on the board that I'm one of those Uppercase Living demonstrators? I have a link in my signature tag, but hope it's okay to mention since you asked about it. If you're interested in seeing what we've got, I'd love to chat with you -- or you could visit my website. The entire 153 page interactive catalog is online and you can earn FREE stuff with your order.


The expressions are very easy to apply -- it takes a little TIME ("This isn't a wax job, ladies!" is a favorite line during a demonstration, lol) and accuracy but the process is very simple. I can walk you through it! We can custom anything and I have 50 or so fonts, 35 or so colors and sizes ranging from 1 inch to 13 inches available. I'm having a sale on all orders on Superbowl Sunday so if you want to get the email for that, let me know! (For this sale, the order has to be over the phone and not placed from my website).


Very fun!


This is what I'm thinking of putting on our homeschool wall:

"The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart" since this speaks of both education/instruction and LOVE which of course is the centerpiece of our faith.


UL has a fabulous new expression in the Spring/Summer 2009 catalog that is John 3:16 in two parts. It's gorgeous.


What do you think?

Edited by milovaný
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These are SO easy to put up. In the kids' playroom I have:


The more that you read

the more things you will know.

The more that you learn

the more places you'll go.


And in the library I have


I have always imagined that paradise is a kind of library.


You can see it here:



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Julie, your house is gorgeous! Very beautiful. And I love your wood floors! Some of the latest Uppercase Living photos show expressions applied directly to the floor ... a monogram in front of a staircase, vines along a wall, etc. Very pretty.

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I still need to think about exactly what I want. We have one in our adult Sunday School classroom at church, and this is what gave me the idea. I also found out who applied it in our classroom, and I know she would be willing to help me.


Darla, I do not mind you putting that info. out there at all. I am going to do some more thinking about what I want. Might was well order from you when I do it!


I will check out the link later this week when I have more TIME!

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