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Have any of you done a history timeline?


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Try a CM-style Book of Centuries. This is a really popular thing to do. I've been thinking about starting a family Book of Centuries to go with the kids' individual history notebooks but most recommend one for each child as the kids have so much fun making them. Here's some pictures of a completed one. And she's had the nice idea of including the cover art of books they've read.


Ooh. And I just found this entry which looks really good! That's the kind I want to do so I'm going to go bookmark it now...

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I got each of my kids a scrapbook on clearance, and we use these for our timelines. I like that the pages are bigger than a regular sheet of paper. The pages give us lots of room to add information. I've been meaning to get a picture of them up on my blog, but I still haven't done it yet.


Good Luck!


AllSmiles :)

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This is what mine looks like...



Audrey's is rather fabulous and very portable looking. I am thinking of making one based on what I can glean from hers. We did do a book in the past but it never really had the 'aha' effect that Friederike talks of.

I think this will have to be a weekend project for us all :)

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Their timeline is in a book format. It has a sturdy spiral binding which allows it to lie open flat. The cover of the timeline, however, covers the spiral binding, so you don't see it. Their timeline figures that accompany it are great! We didn't get diligent with our timeline until last year, but I am so glad we finally did so. It's great! And will be a lovely keepsake from our homeschooling years.

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You have to cut it out and glue/tape the sheets together. It has everything formatted for the time period, as well as civilizations marked in different rows. We accordian-fold it and spread it out on the table when working on it. (Our house is on the market, or I'd put it up on the wall.)


I use the Homeschool in the Woods figures, but make them teeny-tiny in Photo Draw, so that they'll fit. They're still large enough to color in though. :D

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I wanted something for my kids to see both linear and also be able to be compact and easily storable. I couldn't find anything I really liked so I made my own:


I bought about 10 sheets of posterboard and cut them in half longways. I bought binder rings and punched holes in on the one side and added the binder rings. Then I drew a line across the middle but I skipped every other page so the pages could be taken out and laid across the floor to really get that effect of a long time line. So basically when I open up the book to a timeline page, its on both side and is the length of two posterboards so about 5 feet across, or I can take them all out and lay them across our driveway or down the hallway, etc. :) Folded up its about 12 inches by 3 feet or so.


We just go to google images and choose what we want to print out and paste to the timeline. It's turned out great.

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We made a timeline for each WTM history era (ancients, middle ages, early modern, modern). They are made from manilla folders placed end to end and held together at the "seams" by heavy duty packing tape. They fold up accordion style and can be stored in the original folder box. When they are unfolded, we drew a line with a mark every 4" for each 100 years (you can choose to do them all with larger markings).

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