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WWYD- Dh's sick and I'm having surgery in 2 weeks...

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If you were having surgery in 2 weeks and your dh had a bad cold, would you sleep in the same room with him? Yes, this is us. He's saying he thinks he ought to sleep on the couch to cut down on the chance of me catching what he has. I think he's worrying too much but I don't want to take unnecessary chances.


So, what should we do about this? what would you do?

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If you have a respiratory infection, they might postpone your surgery for fear of you having a breathing problem with anesthesia. If you aren't have anesthesia, maybe it's not so much a safety issue, but let's face it, wouldn't you rather just be recovering from one thing at a time rather than from a cold AND surgery?

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If you have a respiratory infection, they might postpone your surgery for fear of you having a breathing problem with anesthesia. If you aren't have anesthesia, maybe it's not so much a safety issue, but let's face it, wouldn't you rather just be recovering from one thing at a time rather than from a cold AND surgery?



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DH has chronic health issues with at least one surgery and several procedures a year, and I always sleep on the couch if there's any concern at all about him getting sick. He's plugging away now, but I routinely move downstairs if there's any chance I'm getting a bug.


For us, that's the norm!

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First I came down with a real sudden cold. So I moved to the guest room. Then the husband came down with something differnt. So we're still waiting on it to clear up.


Anytime one of us is sick, the other usually moves out. Partially to keep the other from getting it. The other reason is my husband is a very light sleeper. (I can sleep through anything though!) Anytime I've got sometihng that has me hacking and coughing, it's going to wake him up for sure. And even though I can sleep through his hacking and coughing, he wakes himself up, can't get back to sleep and ends up watching tv. That tends to wake me up, but I think it's because I'm used to waking up to the clock radio, so I probably think it's my alarm going off.


Plus when you don't fell well it's just kind of nice to have your own bed and space and be left alone.

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I would start taking Airborne as well. It really does work at both reducing your chance of getting sick and speeding recovery.


I can't take anything except what the doc today told me to take between now and surgery date on Jan 27... not even natural herbs or anything.


Dh's sleeping soundly on the couch as I speak. I guess it will have to be this way until he is feeling better.



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