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Looking for self-teaching science for 6th grader...


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My youngest will be in 6th next year and I'm looking for a self-teaching science curriculum for him. I plan for him to start Apologia in 7th and continue with that through highschool.


I've looked at Fulbright's series, but honestly, we've spent years and years covering animals so I'd like for him to do something different.


Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Rainbow is written for 6th-8th graders. It comes with everything you need --text and lab materials. And it was designed so that the student would do the labs on his own. The final sentence in each lab is "clean up."


I've only done year one. I've done it with my oldest and now I'm going through it a second time with my dd and her friend. Year 1 is a semester of physics and a semester of chemistry.

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I understand about not wanting to study animals again (and I don't blame you!), but do you know she's writing a human anatomy book for the elementary series? On her website cover page, it says it's due out this summer. We were going to look elsewhere too until someone on the boards mentioned this.


There is also a chemistry and physics title in the works as well, but it's not due out until 2010.

Edited by angela&4boys
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Switched on Schoolhouse is a computer program. There is a teacher management part for grading discussion questions and written reports, but the rest is self-taught. You'll have to help get supplies together for the experiments. There is text to read, but also audio and text clips with teaching as well. The student quizzes and tests on the computer.

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When my son was about that age, maybe 7th grade actually, I let him pick a science of his choice. He needed and wanted something he could do independent of me. He chose Sonlight's Science 4: Electricity, Magnetism, and Astronomy. He very much enjoyed it! I did not have to help one tiny bit. He did each and every lab by himself and, since we have a full size microscope, did the optional Microscope work as well. We used the 5-day schedule.


If you look at a SL catalog and see the "R" levels of each of the books, you will see that they are all in the right age range for your son to do on his own. Sonlight is not geared towards independent learning though, so they have it listed for ages 8-11. To be honest, I would have HATED, absolutely hated, doing those labs with him had I used Science 4 within the age range. Having him older and able to do the labs himself worked wonderfully. He would put them all together, some of them pretty involved too, and then show me how they worked. It's a very guy-geared science.


With your son being in 6th grade, he may need a bit of help here and there with the TOPS labs, but all in all I think he could do this science pretty indepently... and it's NOT life science. ;)

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