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Help me decide right course of action for 16yo daughter please

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Funny you should ask about TWTM :). I was just reading that section yesterday. I wanted to see which textbook she recommended for Rhetoric because someone had Martin Cothran's course for sale on another used curriculum site. I just now reread the whole chapter - whew! I discussed it with dd and she is going to sit down and read it herself tomorrow. I'm hoping it will inspire her.


She has read all these replies and knows that, although being a wife and a mother is her heart's desire and a noble, worthy goal, she must have a foundational education at the very least and better yet, she should have a marketable skill - just in case. We are discussing her options and she seems convinced that she must buckle down and get the schoolwork done. She even typed up a new daily schedule.


She said she doesn't mind finishing up all the courses she has already begun and she is excited at the prospect of designing her own coursework for the next two years based on her interests and preparing to teach piano as an actual way to make a living.


She sounds fabulous. She also sounds alot like me. She does need a high school diploma, but she doesn't have to sacrifice doing things that she enjoys to pursue career either. See, I've found that even w/out college, being able to run a home is a marketable skill. I've run across 3 jobs in the past 6 months where people are paying ladies to teach homemaking/budgeting/cooking/nutrition skills to others. These are respectable jobs in social services, one was helping those on food stamps learn to eat healthily. Another was assisting elderly people with their nutritional needs on a budget. Also, she sounds like she might enjoy being a 4H agent!


I throw those out there because as a young woman, I was sure that skills like cooking cleaning and running a household were not marketable. I would have to work outside my skill set to make a living. Now, I know that I could (If needed) find a job teaching others those skills.

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Oh dear, I posted on a zombie thread. But now I want to know how things worked out for your dd, Kathleen. :)



I think I started it in a weird post that got from the intend thread to this one.


I would also like to hear.

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If it was me, I would do my level best to ensure she got the most education that she can be encouraged to get, and most importantly, a real life job skill. No child should start life without a decent high school education, IMO. Could she develop her musical training to the point of being able to teach piano? It just leaves her so vulnerable.


I have too many friends trapped in awful marriages because they have absolutely no way to support themselves. I think a very realistic approach is to insist, firmly but lovingly, that she complete her high school education and serve some kind of apprenticeship\job skill program, if she is not the college type.



I could not disagree more with this statement. Life is not about finding a job, it's about finding your calling.



Interesting TED lecture from Sir Ken Robinson on creativity:




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  • 11 months later...



I wanted to check in with you to see how this all turned out for you. As it is, my mind has changed dramatically over the last few years as I am now a single mom of 5, homeschooling 4 and my oldest and I go to college full-time together. 





I have two nieces, ages 26 and 27, who are very similar to my daughter. I could go on an on about their servant hearts - they are just amazing. They are also quite talented in many areas - mainly sewing and cooking. When I first got married these young ladies were about 3-4yo and I have watched them grow into wonderful people. During that time they were homeschooled and were trained to be homemakers. In 2005 their dad moved out for another woman and that event just devastated our whole family. We live 7 miles from them and have gone to the same church for 23 years. My sil had a nursing degree and with the help of her brother she was able to take refresher courses and get a good job as a surgical nurse in a very nice hospital. She is rising to the occasion in an awesome way. These nieces, though extremely pretty (honest - they are gorgeous) and extremely talented and sweet and servant-like - have not found Mr. Right yet and are still at home. As you might guess, they are an extreme blessing to their mother.

One of them had a brain tumor when she was younger and although she had surgery to correct the problem, she still gets major headaches that require she take a very expensive pain medication. She had to get a job outside the home in order to qualify for health insurance in order to pay for that medication and is now working at a daycare center for that reason.

This is the context in which I am working as far as my daughter is concerned. I know most young ladies will get married, but it may not happen right away. I also know husbands can be quite rude and uncaring and leave you to fend for yourself. (We live in a fallen world.) I want to give my daughter the freedom to pursue her passions, but I do not want to leave her high and dry if her dreams should not come true or fall apart later.

I will definitely look into gearing her education towards a more entrepreneurial end, though. I am going to take your advice and sit down with her to figure out a plan that prepares her for a home-business. I think I can now work out a plan that covers ALL the bases. Thanks so much for your input. :)


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