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Will you help me come up with catchy words for the acronym TEA?

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Okay, I just remembered the TEA thread several months ago, but I assure you, this is not about that!


I am about to propose to my fellow kindred-spirit teachers that we have TEA time on the Monday afternoons that we are supposed to have weekly teacher meetings which the administrator never has. (In 18 weeks of school, we have had no more than 3 meetings. But that is another subject altogether.)


Anyway, it is so easy to use that time to either go home or grade papers. Some of us keep saying that we want to get together to stimulate and learn from each other's teaching abilities and ideas. So, I think if we just plan to meet together whenever we do not have a admin-scheduled meeting, we could achieve our goal. (You know--if you aim at nothing, you hit it every time.)


To keep it off the admin's radar (he's paranoid--for good reason--of teachers meeting without him), I thought if we called our gathering TEA Time, it would not raise suspicions.


I'm thinking words like teaching, teachers, excellence, academics, achievement, etc.


What are some of your ideas for the words for TEA Time?


Many thanks!

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Okay, I just remembered the TEA thread several months ago, but I assure you, this is not about that!


Oh, well, then never mind... I don't think the acronym I thought up for TEA would suit your purposes! :tongue_smilie: :001_huh: :blushing:

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