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Singapore Std edition? Is this as good as the


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There is some difference in sequence of topics covered. So, if you used either edition from level one to level six, you'd cover the same things, but not all at the same time. The standards edition aligns with California standards, and was created for that very reason. You cannot mix and match texts and workbooks from different editions.


There is also a 'third edition' which is the original and uses British spelling, Singapore currency, etc.


You can see what each book covers at singaporemath.com

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There is a little more intermittent review in the CA standards edition and occasionally, the topics are presented in a different order. Also, I believe negative numbers are covered in the standards edition, in levels 4 and 5, but they are not covered in the U.S. edition, at all.


Currently, the IP and the CWP workbooks are only available in the U.S. edition, although I hear there are plans to issue these workbooks in the standards format soon.


The "third edition" only covers singapore currency and metric measurements, I believe.



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From glancing at them, it seems mostly they move around some topics, also add negative numbers, coordinate graphing, and beginning algebra (like solve 2x + 3 = 10) into 4th and 5th grade.


There is no Level 6 Standards Edition, but it looks like some topics like the ones above not even included in US 6 (and maybe what's in 6? I don't know) have been pushed down into 5.


It would be interesting to know what CA plans to use to follow up in middle school (which is why there's no 6 - that's when they'd go with a different middle school math, I'd guess)

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On the Singaporemath forum, Jenny indicated a standards edition for level 6 is in the works, but California won't be approving it anytime soon. California reviews it's math curriculum every 7 years or so, and the last review was Nov of 2007, so it wouldn't be for a while until level 6 would even be considered for use in CA's public schools.


I'm in CA, and will use mostly the standards edition, but for 2B, I'll use the U.S. edition, b/c it has an additional topic section on area that the other edition doesn't cover until later.

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We are using purposely using the standards edition for the above reasons. Don't let the "meets CA standards" frighten you away!


Same here. Here's the chart of the differences between the different editions and some discussion of the reasoning. http://www.singaporemath.com/FAQ_Primary_Math_s/15.htm#PrimaryMathStdEdition It's somewhat buried in the website, so hopefully this will be helpful.


A big difference for a lot of folks is that there are not currently Home Instructor Guides (with answers, I believe) for anything past 3A yet, though I believe they are gradually releasing them as they are completed. We are in 3A now, haven't needed the guides yet, and I believe we will be okay for 3B. Jenny at the Singapore forums says that the Home Instructor's Guide for 3B should be out in February, and the 3A one came out in December. I *think* the plan was to focus on the A versions for the other levels (4 and 5) next, but don't hold me to that :).


Also, the Intensive Practice books aren't available for this yet, but the Challenging Word Problems will still work with them. Most folks (including us) seem to use them a year behind anyway.

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