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How often do you eat out?

How often do you eat out at restaurants/fast food places?  

  1. 1. How often do you eat out at restaurants/fast food places?

    • More than once a week.
    • Once a week.
    • Approximately twice a month.
    • Once a month.
    • Maybe once or twice a year.
    • Never

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I just get the willies thinking of how much grocery stuff I could buy, and how many meals, out of the cost of a meal out. I tend to compare items with the cost of a good, large beef roast! ;) or a new DVD for our collection.


I think this depends on family size. If we take our family (dh, I, dd 10, ds 4 - does not really eat) it doesn't always cost a whole lot. We can eat at Burger King for about $12. Not healthy, but a treat for all of us. If I had tried to make that meal it wouldn't have been a whole lot cheaper in the end. Obviously, that means if you stick with inexpensive places or kids eat free things. If you are a larger family, it doesn't work out that way either.

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I put more than once a week. I didn't realize it was that much though because it's rare we go as a family. We go to a sit down restaurant once a month, plus birthdays. We'll get fast food once every couple of weeks when we're too tired to cook. I try not to though because I prefer to save the money. DH will go to a restaurant for lunch with friends from work every other week or so. Every Friday evening I go to a pizza place with friends. It's my time away from the kids and well worth the money/calories!

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My dh and I go out for breakfast on Sat. mornings, alone!!! We always share a breakfast, and it usually costs around $7-$8. Mostly, it just for us to get away and talk. We really enjoy it.


Other than that, not much. Sometimes when the whole family is out, we will stop for pizza or take-out Chinese but not very often.



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We used to eat out all the time. Which, to me, is about once or twice a week. We were wasting sooooo much money! When we finally figured that out, and set ourselves a strict food budget, the eating out, went out the window! Even when we travel, we pack sack lunches...even when we drive over 12 hours to visit family. I can just think of so many other things I'd rather do with my money than eat it. (I love that commercial where the little lady eats the 5 dollar bill that was stuck on the wall.) Anyway, that said, dh and I try to go out on dates, including eating out, about once every month or two. We do take the kids out for dinner a couple times a year. Usually though, when it is just dh and I, we spring for the appetizers and desserts, and leave out the main dish...cutting calories and spending. That's the other issue I have with eating out...it is just soooo unhealthy most of the time. I like fresh, whole foods, and you don't get that at most restaurants...at least not around here. I'm sure if you live in a big city, you may have that available, but we never have, so I just see the dollars and calories mounting up, every time we sit down at a restaurant. Makes it more fun to eat at home, that's for sure!

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I think this depends on family size. If we take our family (dh, I, dd 10, ds 4 - does not really eat) it doesn't always cost a whole lot. We can eat at Burger King for about $12. Not healthy, but a treat for all of us. If I had tried to make that meal it wouldn't have been a whole lot cheaper in the end. Obviously, that means if you stick with inexpensive places or kids eat free things. If you are a larger family, it doesn't work out that way either.


Totally true. My family can't eat anywhere around here for under 40 dollars. Normally, our bill at a restaurant comes in around 60 or 70 dollars...that's enough for a whole lot of all sorts of stuff!

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I answered once or twice a year. It used to be more, but as dh and I get older we're getting more concerned about what may be in the food we're eating and we prefer to cook at home. Like other posters mentioned, it's also more cost effective to buy groceries!


I never used to be like this, but now I find myself wondering what cooking oil is being used in the restaurant, and if the chicken was fed antibiotics, and if the ingredients in the salads have been washed effectively - what a ray of sunshine, eh?


I'm also starting to get freaked out by germs. Recently my father was in the hospital, and every time I went to visit I couldn't stop thinking about c. difficile and staph and all sorts of other little goodies that I keep reading about! I must have washed my hands ten times each time I went to visit him.


I'm becoming a hazard to myself....

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We were eating out 2X per week - Friday night for pizza and Sunday lunch after church. However, we have decided to cut back to 1X per week, given our current budget constraints and an unexpected $3K phone bill!


I'm not very good at meal planning, so I tend to have things that are quick for meals. We eat lots of sandwiches for lunch. I do try to take the girls out about once per month for lunch, too, out of my own spending money, just for fun. So I guess it's technically more than I thought.

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