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Has this happened to you? (female content)

Guest 4boys

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I am trying to find as many opinions and experience as possible.


After having baby #4 in April '08, I went back on the pill in June. Same pill as I always take. I was on it for about 4 months and all was fine. Then in October I went off it. I am done with artificial hormones and intended to learn FAM. But now I have not had a period since I quit. This has never happened to me before and I have been on and off this pill between pregnancies since having my oldest 7 years ago. I don't know what to do. I am on cycle day 80. Most people say that it's too early to worry and just keep waiting, but very honestly I am truly sick of this and I am having a really hard time losing the baby weight because of it. Seems my hormones and weight loss are pretty tied together and I am quite frustrated. I could make a doctor appointment but I don't want her to just give me a prescription for the pill again, which is what has happened in the past when I've had issues.


Does anyone have any advice or experience for me? I am frustrated.

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You might want to have your thyroid checked. I found out my thyroid was a little low when my period stopped. After starting Synthroid my period started again.


If it's not your thyroid, you might want to do a liver cleanse. You might also want to do one anyway. After baby #3 for me I was having a hard time feeling "normal" in the hormone department. I had my period, but my hormones didn't feel like they did before all the babies. I did some reading and read about how the liver is instrumental in hormone regulation. After some more reading on remidies, I decided on a juice regimine to clean out my liver, drinking about 6-8 oz. of beet/carrot/dark greens each morning for 30 days. My hormones were back to normal after that. :lol:


Now that I've had baby #4, I think I need to do another liver cleanse.


BTW - I support you going off all artifical hormones. Great decision.

Edited by JenniferB
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Thanks. I think I will make a doc appointment on Monday and see what happens. Jennifer, do you want to post your juice recipe if you can? I might just read up and give that a try.

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I would do some cleansing, particularly liver cleansing, but its good to do some bowel cleansing first. I 2nd Rosemary Gladstar's book. Time to take control of your own health and help your body heal. I doubt a doctor can help you with that, but trust your intuition.

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I agree that colon cleansing is also important. If you do this juice every morning for 30 days you will clean out your colon and liver. Warning, you might get a pinkish pee when you first start, as your body won't be use to digesting the beets. But, this will go away after a few days to a week. You might also get some stomach cramps when you first start out, if your body isn't used to digesting so many veggies all at once. This will probably go away after a few days to a week too. You can follow up your juice with lots of water, and about an hour later resume your usual eating habits. Of course the healthier the better during your cleanse.


Liver Cleanse Juice Recipe:


1 small or 1/2 large beet thoroughly cleaned or peeled

3-4 small or 2 large carrots thoroughly cleaned or peeled

4-5 large leaves of kale or a handful of well cleaned spinach

1 green apple clean, but don't peel.


You would place the above ingredients into your juicer in the order listed above, and drink up first thing in the morning. You might want to avoid coffee and sugar during your 30 days of cleansing, just to give your body more available ammo to focus on cleansing and healing. The coffee & sugar tax the system, and it's good to give your body all you got when you're cleansing.


If you can get organic ingredients, that would be preferred. I didn't use all organic ingredients, and I still got good results when I did this cleanse a few years ago.


I posted another recipe for buckwheat pancakes, if you're interested. These pancakes are really good for digestion/colon health. It's posted in this thread, where I also talk about healthy digestion: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=699636&highlight=buckwheat+pancakes#post699636

Edited by JenniferB
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