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What is the best time to start listing used materials for sale?

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I have decided to purge my classroom. I have at lest 100-200 curriculum based books to sell. I would like to list it all at once (some of it will sell as 'a lot' so there will be about 25-50 individual sales). I figure it will take about a month for the marjority of it to sell so there will still be about 8-10 postoffice trips.


What is the earliest you would list it? Late spring, early summer, late summer? I don't like to make a summer's worth of runs to the po, so I want to do it all at once. I will have it all boxed, details written, and ready to seal and stick an address label on it so it won't be too hard at one time.



Also do you have any other suggestions for doing this much at once?

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I would list it as fast as you can type it up. Because our kids work at their own pace, some finish up materials from the previous year, etc.


I think most stuff that is really worthwhile will sell. Anything that doesn't sell quickly may take re-listing in a few places--swap board on here, vegsource, etc.


Good luck. I look forward to seeing what all you have that I just may want.



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I sell year-round, but typically December and January are the lightest months for homeschool materials. I've sold one homeschool book since early December. On the other hand, I've sold three college textbooks since Christmas, but their calendar is different. You can list now of course, but it's just not the best time IMHO.


Typically, for me at least, it starts picking up in February when people have recovered some from the holiday spending and are getting their tax returns. Then April through July are the busiest for me at least. I have some books currently listed individually that I will put up on eBay as a lot in April if I still have them. In my experience, lots don't move as well until then.


One way to cut down your work is to talk to your mailman about the possibility of picking up packages from your house if you use Paypal shipping. If they agree (they can refuse), you can use a digital scale and run off the label from home and just put it out at your box. Mine doesn't mind as long as it's not more than one box or several envelopes a day, so I do this the majority of the time. That way I can sell year-round, almost anytime. Of course I sometimes have to go to the Post Office if the weather is bad several days in a row, but my Post Office will let you just hand it to them if it has a Paypal label without standing in line.



Frankly I get weary of the whole process of selling books online, but it does allow you to get rid of things and get back some $.

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I dunno... I just recouped about $120 this week selling books and curriculum we were finished with and knew we would not be using again. I'll have some "biggies" to sell at the end of this year, but can't part with them quite yet...

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