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Science for Preschoolers/Kindergarteners?


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I am looking for a good science program! I would like to start it now (my daughter is almost 5) and use it from now until the fall, when we start Sonlight K. Do you have any suggestions? I have read great things about NOEO Biology 1 and also about AIMS - Cathy Duffy said it was great for wiggly children. :) Please share your suggestions!


Or should I just use Bubbles, Rainbows, and ... what was it? Worms?...

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How about Mudpies to magnets : a preschool science curriculum

Williams, Robert A.


Here are 224 hands-on science experiments and ideas with step-by-step instructions that will delight and amaze children as they experience nature, the human body, electricity, floating and sinking, and more. Categorized by curriculum areas, each activity includes a list of vocabulary words and easily accessible materials.


Wonderful book!


Debra in VA

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Science is simple : over 250 activities for preschoolers

Ashbrook, Peggy.


This comprehensive resource gives teachers learning objectives, items for discovery, related books and follow-up activities to interest their students to help them teach simple science concepts.



Debra in VA

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How about Mudpies to magnets : a preschool science curriculum

Williams, Robert A.


Here are 224 hands-on science experiments and ideas with step-by-step instructions that will delight and amaze children as they experience nature, the human body, electricity, floating and sinking, and more. Categorized by curriculum areas, each activity includes a list of vocabulary words and easily accessible materials.


Wonderful book!


Debra in VA


Science is simple : over 250 activities for preschoolers

Ashbrook, Peggy.


This comprehensive resource gives teachers learning objectives, items for discovery, related books and follow-up activities to interest their students to help them teach simple science concepts.



Debra in VA


Thank you - I'll take a look at those right now!

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I see you have BFSU in your siggie. Why don't you just use that? That's what we will be using.



I guess I'm looking for something that's laid out a bit better and comes with the supplies. It doesn't have to come with the supplies but I was kind of hoping for something more fun....

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I guess I'm looking for something that's laid out a bit better and comes with the supplies. It doesn't have to come with the supplies but I was kind of hoping for something more fun....


I hear you on the layout of the book. I'm a scientist and it's a little intimidating to me! In case you still have some interest in the book, there is a yahoo group monitored by the author called K5science. It provides example schedules and helps for explanations and ideas by others using the book.

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I hear you on the layout of the book. I'm a scientist and it's a little intimidating to me! In case you still have some interest in the book, there is a yahoo group monitored by the author called K5science. It provides example schedules and helps for explanations and ideas by others using the book.


Here's one is for preschool to 1st grade.


I'm using The World God Made for K. It's very simple, but you could add activities if you wanted or read books from the library for more detail. I love the simplicity of it personally. It's a good intro to science.



Thanks ... I'll look at all of these. Any opinions on NOEO Bio 1 and AIMS?

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Here's one is for preschool to 1st grade.


That looks very interesting. I kind of wish I had known about it sooner because it incorporates using Scienceworks: Learning About My Body by Evan-Moore... which I used with my ds4 in the fall and we loved it! I believe the program you linked to would have taken it to the next level... thanks for sharing. If I had planned more time on the Human Body, I probably would have done that! Hmm... maybe we'll have a redo of it in the next school year! ;)

Edited by CMama
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You don't think the Biology would work for a 5 year old?...


We love NOEO...but I am doing Physics 1 with a 4th grader and I would NOT use it with my 5 year old. It is well over his head. We are doing Singapore Child's Play Science this year, and then the 4 Singapore Start-up Earlybird Science books next year. After that, he will begin with NOEO Bio I.
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Spring is coming and that is the perfect time for nature study! I would get an ant hill, a butterfly garden, and/or a ladybug farm. You can order those from http://www.insectlore.com. I haven't ever done a formal science for preK or K. I think reading lots of good library books, taking nature walks, and the insect activities I listed are just right for that age. Take lots of pictures of what you are doing, and make a lapbook. Have fun!!

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Spring is coming and that is the perfect time for nature study! I would get an ant hill, a butterfly garden, and/or a ladybug farm. You can order those from www.insectlore.com. I haven't ever done a formal science for preK or K. I think reading lots of good library books, taking nature walks, and the insect activities I listed are just right for that age. Take lots of pictures of what you are doing, and make a lapbook. Have fun!!



Thanks so much for the link! You know, I really want to do lapbooks but I don't quite understand how they would work for my dd, since she does not write sentences yet. Or is the whole point to get her into writing new words and expanding her abilities?... :)

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Thanks so much for the link! You know, I really want to do lapbooks but I don't quite understand how they would work for my dd, since she does not write sentences yet. Or is the whole point to get her into writing new words and expanding her abilities?... :)


Well I think at that age, it would actually look more like a scrapbook. Maybe you could write a couple of words and then she could copy it on some cute paper or something like that.

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I just could not find a science curriculum that was fun and relaxed for my 5 year old ds, so I just made one up for us to do!! It is not hard.


I picked 6 categories I wanted to cover through the year: Chemistry/Physics, Human Body, Weather/Seasons, Plants, Animals, Earth Science, & Space. Then I planned on spending 2 days a week for 4-6 weeks on each category. About 2 weeks before we start the next "unit", I get on my library website and request any and all books that pertain to what we are learning taht look interesting. Then I google Preschool/Kindergarten age activities and pick one per week.


For example, when we did the chemistry/physics "unit" I got a few very fun experiment books, books on magnets, chemical reactions, energy, matter... and so on. I really like the Lets-Read-and-Find-Out Science books. Did I read them all ... no. I pick out 1 to 3 books to read per science day. On the 2nd science day, we do our activity. For this unit we made rock candy, blew up a balloon using vinegar and baking soda, made a poster to categorize items by matter type (solid, liquid, and gas), played with magnets, and so on. My 3 year old dd still asks me whether things are solid or liquid. She also will wave her hand through steam coming off her food and say "look I'm playing with the gas!" :lol:


Every Friday we also try to take a walk outside and pick something interesting to draw. One week it was a mushroom, next it was a spiderweb. We spend only about 15-20 minutes outside, sometimes less when it is really cold. Then we go inside and I ask a few questions, like "Where did you find this? Why do you like it? Tell me some words that describe your object." and I write them down on the paper.


All in all, I think science is just supposed to be fun. My ds looks forward to science. He will even sometimes get mad if we don't have it scheduled for the day.



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We are using Christian Liberty Press K. Actually, I'm using it with my 3,4,5 yr olds. They all have their own book and we are enjoying the pictures and activities--especially being able to color, etc. in their own book. I really choose it so when this year is over, they can take it to their rooms and look through it, remembering all we have done. It is a great little softbound book and it encourages scripture memory too!

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We are using Christian Liberty Press K. Actually, I'm using it with my 3,4,5 yr olds. They all have their own book and we are enjoying the pictures and activities--especially being able to color, etc. in their own book. I really choose it so when this year is over, they can take it to their rooms and look through it, remembering all we have done. It is a great little softbound book and it encourages scripture memory too!



I'm going to take a look at that right now!

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