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Greek and Norse myths


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Can someone recommend a good collection of these? There are so many to choose from, and I have to order without actually seeing the books, as I have no bookstore in my town. :( I would like a complete collection but nicely illustrated.



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Unfortunately comprehensive and nicely illustrated don't always go together. It also depends on whether you want this as a resource or read aloud vs. at a child's reading level.


Mary Pope Osborne's "Favorite Norse Myths" and "Favorite Greek Myths" are nicely illustrated introductions aimed at children, but not comprehensive (you can look inside them at Amazon). The Norse one appears OOP, but should be available used. The Greek one shows up as in print.


For the Greeks, my husband says D'Aulaire is a good introduction, he doesn't care for the Bulfinch or Edith Hamilton versions overall. He hasn't seen the D'Aulaire Norse myths (our focus is more on Hellenic, so we have more in-depth experience with those)


For a much older child or as a read aloud on the Greeks, he says it's hard to beat Gustav Schwab for a complete collection, but it only has spot illustrations. (part of the Pantheon series listed below). It's the best one volume collection he knows (768 pages :))


For Norse myths, he recommends Kevin Crossley Holland as being comprehensive ("The Norse Myths", part of the Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library--320 pp). The edition we have is illustrated, he says, but not profusely. You can "look inside" at it on Amazon.


Here's his blog post on his favorite Hellenic kids' books which may give some ideas


Most of the books we have focus more on individual myths, but they are beautifully illustrated.

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You're not going to find child oriented complete collections of myths, folktales, legends, or epics.


We've enjoyed Coolidge's Greek Myths and Colum's The Golden Fleece. For younger kids, Geraldine McCaughrean has two good Greek myths collections. For Norse myths, I'm planning on using Crossly-Holland (Pantheon, mentioned in a post above) or Padraic Colum. DD enjoyed Neil Phillip's book (Odin's Family ??). With the exception of Phillip, none of these are lavishly illustrated.


I use the Pantheon books extensively with my advanced 6yo, but they require pre-reading as they are not written for children. Some I've been able to use almost cover to cover, most I have to pick and choose, and one I've had to set aside almost completely until later (Japanese folk tales).

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