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Started in the middle, messed up the 4-yr. cycle, now what?

Annabel Lee

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What do those of you who started in the middle of the history and science 4-year cycles (i.e., in 2nd - 4th gr.) do for the logic stage? Are we "supposed to" start the cycle anew, regardless of where the dc left off in 4th grade? Or are we supposed to just continue the cycle from where we are?


I've been skimming through the logic stage in my WTM book, and I see that the 4-year cycle starts over again with ancients and biology in 5th grade, ending w/ modern times and physics in 8th. My dilemma is that I have a Kindergardener and a 2nd grader this year, and this being our 1st year homeschooling the "WTM way", I just started at the beginning of the cycles. I also figured that since 1st gr. was the recommended year for starting the 4-yr. cycle, I was only 1 year off by starting it in 2nd and K5. Now I'm wondering what to do w/ my 2nd grader once he starts the logic stage in 5th. I suppose our options are to just continue on from where we are, not starting the cycle over until 6th, but would that mess up the correlation of all the outlining examples and other things for 5th? My other option would be to just start again w/ ancients and biology when he hits 5th. I feel frustrated at that though - I want to get all the way through early modern and modern times! It feels like it should be chronologically cohesive instead of jumping around.


Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, esp. from those who've started in the middle too! :bigear:

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Thanks for the links! Beth, I looked at your plan and do I understand correctly that you're doing SOTW 2 - 4 in 1 year (since your oldest is in 8th and it says you're buzzing through to be ready for ancients in 9th)? I suppose that's an option for me too... squishing it all in to be ready for the new rotation to begin in 5th. My thoughts on that: ugh. We may end up doing it though. I just don't want to commit to something that requires such intense time and energy with no leeway for breaks and end up messing that up.


I just thought of something: I don't want to rush through history because the literature is tied into it. We'd miss the correlation of the literature to the time period if we rushed through. Working through summers would be OK as long as we continue the corresponding lit. as well and allow ourselves to take breaks. I just can't see going from 2nd to 5th w/o any significant breaks. I suppose all I have left to do now is DECIDE (aaaaarrrgh!) how to handle this. That is the hard part.

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Thanks for the links! Beth, I looked at your plan and do I understand correctly that you're doing SOTW 2 - 4 in 1 year (since your oldest is in 8th and it says you're buzzing through to be ready for ancients in 9th)?




I just thought of something: I don't want to rush through history because the literature is tied into it. We'd miss the correlation of the literature to the time period if we rushed through.


Ds had read/studied this Lit since Sept. We left Middle Ages history in Sept so our history readings don't align w/ lit, but that's ok for us:


King Arthur -- unabridged

Sir Gawain -- Tolkien

Beowulf -- Seamus Heany translation unabridged

A Door in the Wall (for fun)


He is now starting Literary Lessons From Lord Of The Rings through summer.



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Another option is to just to go at your own pace and enjoy!


Heather-Who is still on year 5 of her first history rotation and just now covering the Civil War. :D


p.s. I do have my 5th grader doing the outlining and stuff that a 5th grader would do in WTM, just not with ancient history.

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Lots of options open to you, so don't panic! :001_smile:


First, a note of encouragement: While we didn't start in the middle, we did take SIX years to do the first 4-year cycle (LOL), due to enjoying a lot of "bunny trails". By that time both children were in middle school, so we took a year out to do a world culture/geography and comparative religions -- what a fantastic year! Wish we'd spent TWO years on that, as we really were only able to cover Asian nations, and I would have also really wanted to cover African nations, the Middle East, and South/Central American nations. Now in high school, we're letting the boys choose how we'll do history: last year was ancients, this year is 20th century. Still to come is a year of US history and a year of world medieval -- so, we're all out of order. :tongue_smilie: But, it really doesn't make a lot of difference -- they make connections forwards and backwards -- and so will your children. Just keep a timeline handy. :001_smile:



I've been skimming through the logic stage in my WTM book, and I see that the 4-year cycle starts over again with ancients and biology in 5th grade, ending w/ modern times and physics in 8th. My dilemma is that I have a Kindergardener and a 2nd grader this year, and this being our 1st year homeschooling the "WTM way"... I suppose our options are to just continue on from where we are, not starting the cycle over until 6th, but would that mess up the correlation of all the outlining examples and other things for 5th? My other option would be to just start again w/ ancients and biology when he hits 5th....



Don't worry -- the science and history really don't correlate much. You can easily do any of the science fields you want in any of the history cycle years.



I want to get all the way through early modern and modern times! It feels like it should be chronologically cohesive instead of jumping around.



Then go with what you feel would work best for your family! If you continue chronologically then you have several options:


1. Do your next history cycle as a shortened history cycle for grades 6,7,8.

2. Stretch out this current history cycle by 1-3 years to enjoy:

- exploring history "bunny trails"

- your state's history and some civics/government

- a whole year of U.S. History (or whatever country you live in)

3. Take a year or two of middle school to do a world culture/geography/religions focus



Remember, Susan Wise-Bauer says that her book is just a GUIDE -- something to give you some general structure and some ideas -- it's NOT a schedule everyone has to follow. (Or CAN follow... Or SHOULD follow...) :001_smile: Whatever you decide, don't stress and feel you have to live up to someone else's list -- enjoy your homeschooling journey! BEST of luck in using WTM as a guide in forming the plan that works for YOUR family! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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I also started in the middle. I am doing ancients with both boys - a 1st grader and 5th grader for next year. For Science, my 4th grader started physics this year, so he is on track for the repeat. My younger will start a 3 year rotation with NOEO starting in 2nd grade. :) I guess my answer is that we are just doing what we are doing and if we repeat, great. If not, then we still got a good foundation.

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We are starting our second history rotation. I see that you have two equally good choices:


1. Start at the beginning like SWB recommends and proceed forward. Refuse to worry about finishing neatly before 5th grade. Remember that children hit logic stage at different times (what if yours hits it at 4th grade or 6th grade?). Trust that you will learn along with your children and will be able to adapt outlining and other recommendations by then to fit with the time period you are studying.


2. Start with Year 2 to finish the first rotation before logic stage (again, remembering that different children hit it at different times). Decide to study ancients hard and thoroughly on the next rotation. Know that they will be older when they have to tackle some of the difficult subject matter in Ancients, which can be a blessing. For example, my children were much more equipped to tackle the myths and a timeline this time around. I really don't think that the children remembered much of our first go-round on Ancients.


In either case, remember that YOU are the teacher and can set the rules ; ). You will learn along with them no matter what method you choose, and you will be better equipped when you get to the logic stage to know how to handle that stage's skills (like outlining). I really think you will be fine either way. I know that all of these kinds of decisions seem big and scary right now (I remember this oh so well). But they will learn, you will learn, and you will learn how to adapt anyone's method/timing to fit YOUR family. Remember, even SWB doesn't do EVERYTHING exactly by her own book.


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