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Finishing Prima Latina, DS loves the vocab but isn't ready for serious reading...


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We're going to be finishing up Prima Latina very shortly. DS *adores* it. He has always loved playing with words. We've done it orally this year.


I'd like to give him another year before we start something like Latina Christiana or Latin for Children so that his reading has more time to catch up.


However, he would LOVE to keep learning more vocabulary. Latin is one of his favorite subjects. Could I use one of these programs or something else and do the vocab ONLY this next year? Has anyone done that?


What program (if any) would you recommend we use?

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last summer! It was a sticker book w/ a 2 page spread on each page w/ stickers to match to various words (ie for the country, for the roman house, etc.). We have done PL, LC I, LFC A & TLRTEG, so this was a fun review for my older dc (13 & 11). I would think it would be a lot of fun for younger ones, as well, and it's all vocab :0)



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Their website says it for the faint of heart, and so I wondered about it since I do not know Latin myself and am learning with dd this year as we do PL. She really loves PL too and is doing well with it.


I was just considering if Matin Latin would be a good step after PL, or should we go right to LFC? We'll be done with PL over the summer and ready for something else in the fall.




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I like the idea of doing the flashcards for LC I and also doing Lingua Angelica.


Rhondabee - I had definitely considered Spanish but DH nixed the idea earlier. I think his concern is that it will be confusing for him. (Our library has a huge section of books in Spanish and it seems Spanish resources are everywhere.) It's definitely on my radar as a possibility... hmmm.

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